Saw a picture in this mornings paper of the undefeated dolphins showing their super bowl rings. Larry Little, warfeild, Langer, Czonka and QB Bob Greise. I also have a Dolphin display of that team. As I recall Earl Morrell was the winning QB in the playoffs as well as the SB. Why doesn't he get any credit. He isn't mentioned at all and I didn't see him at the last game reunion. When Greise went down many people thought it was the end of a good season but Earl the Pearl took em all the way. Never did get much credit it seems.
Earl Morral did not play in the Super Bowl and Griese returned in the 2nd half of the AFC Championship game. Earl gets plenty of credit I think. Is Morral still alive? If so he might of chosen not to go to the recent reunion. Guys like Jake Scott don't care much about it and go living their current lives.
Collective shortness of memory is the short answer. Plus, a lot of the fans who were alive and..ahem...more mature - are now watching the games from a much different location and have taken their memories with them. The rest are somewhat younger and don't have the living memory of that time, and watching the games, and experiencing the tension of each down and score. Sadly, this includes the majority of those reporting on the game now. Earl doesn't receive the credit he should because of the shallowness of the attention paid to details now and the need for immediate gratification and production. There are a few outstanding examples of those who don't fall prey to the current thought (or lack thereof) posting on this board. But by and large the media is like the populace, focusing on the immediate, and not on the long term.