Hey guysm anyone got the video handy of Gadsden's catch where he stretched out? I've seen it here before but not sure if I am speeling hsi name wrong or not, but I havent found it any where
For the longest time there was a 3-part Ricky Williams highlight video that had the catch in a section of it, but it appears to have been recently deleted.
i wish Orende Gadsen was still around. Man he could make some difficult catches. He could jump up catch the ball while surrounded by 3 defenders and make that catch. He could drop the easy ones but he could really make the difficult ones.
i dont remember gadsden dropping easy ones. he led the league with fewest dropped passes one year. he had the best hands id ever seen.
If I remember correctly he also had one against the Raiders in the playoffs (I think??) which I think was actually better than this one.
Yeah, unless I am mistakin (Which I am NOT) this is an Orande Gadsen thread...You know, the guy that DIDNT drop passes J/K Travis
My favorite Oronde catch was a long TD pass from Marino at Indianapolis. He makes the catch at about the 15, then muscles not one, not two, but three Indy DB's into the endzone. That was awesome.