1. Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Put your chastity device back on, Maynard. This isn't your kind of fun.

    If you want to have some fun with a co-worker or friend, go to their computer and browse for something way weird (like furrable erotic fiction, stump socks, or thousand year old eggs) and click every site that sells them, then click all the banners and go to all the shopping carts as if you are purchasing. The more you do this, the better the result.

    What will happen is, that person's comuter will be served VERY targeted ads that follow him everywhere around the internet.

    Goes to Yahoo News? Banner ad for 1000 Year Old eggs.

    Goes to a music band's website… banner ad for fermenting your own eggs.

    Facebook will push them sponsored ads and stories about rotting eggs and ancient chinese egg remedies.

    It's very fun, as this sort of ad targeting is persistent, resilient (can't really stop it easily, unless they clear cache and cookies… at which point you just do it to them again and they can't figure out why this bizarre product has selected them as an ideal customer) and can last for at least a week or more (especially if you give it a booster shot once a week!).

    The weirder the product or service is, the more niched, the more fun it is to have online marketers harrass your friend with a barrage of constant images and persuasive messages about it.

  2. Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    How it works:


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