What an absolute slob. I hope she gets to 999lbs and kicks the bucket. I hope she fails at failing.
Damn thats a big girl. Wonder if she uses weight gain? Reminds me of when Homer Simpson was trying to gain weight on the simpsons lol
Jim Norton on Opie & Anthony this morning said he hopes she gets to like 5 pounds below the record and then falls down the stairs.
she has her own website .... God Damn Al Gore and him inventing the internets..... this is all his fault.... where do i sign up?
heres the problem with people getting outraged about this. What essentially happens is she decides to do this. She sets up a website. People start looking at it she gets money off of advertisers. Then people get outraged the news finds out about it, and says people are outraged lets write about it. They write about it give her advertising, thus more people go to check out the freak, thus she earns more money. So for all of peoples "outrage" ,they will help her get rich.
You're right. If we want to piss her off then someone should find out where she lives and dangle cheeseburgers on a string infront of her windows.
well i would prefer just not helping her get rich but the ol dangling a chocolate dipped carrot in front of a dumb *** trick works....
What she is, is ****ed in the head. No person in his right mind would WANT TO gain weight to become the fattest person of his gender; that's just not a rational goal that a person with good mental health sets for himself. What should happen is that her public statements should get her institutionalized - committed - and have her kid taken away by child services. See if that jolts some sense into her stupid head.
There's a diff between being a lazy pos and mentally ******ed. IMO, she's just mooching off the gov and finding new ways to get paid to do nothing (not including eating). She gives ******ed people a bad name.
this article has video of her: at the end, she says she doesn't buy into all the diseases that come with being overweight.
best of luck to you in your advertising adventure miss. because you're gonna be on the hook for a ton of cash when the diseases start rolling in and no insurance company in the world will back you. imagine the health insurance form... Pre-existing conditions: I eat as much as I can because I'm trying to become the most obese woman in the world. OH, and i also regularly snort asbestos, smoke 8 packs a day, burn through a handle of vodka each day, and directly inject salt and lard into my bloodstream. I SWEAR I am healthy though, because I BELIEVE I am healthy, and that's all the counts... right?
In a perfect world, this fat **** would literally be eaten by wolves, and that would be a better use of resources anyway.
i got nothing against fat people. but if youre on a mission to be as fat as possible, then you can go to hell.
At the end of that video she says she doesn't buy into all the diseases that come from being overweight. All those studies about overweight people having a much higher risk of heart disease are apparently BS according to her....unbelievable