Week 15 - Dallas vs Miami

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Finatik, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    Yeah, the coverage is good. The guys in the studio are all good to listen to. The lead guy, Neil Reynolds is a massive Dolphins fan as well. Jason Bell played safety for the Giants and the other 2 are both coaches, the woman used to be with the Bills and Jeff Reinebold has coached special teams in loads of leagues.

    For me, it’s an eye opener when I watch the US coverage. The amount of ads is ridiculous, they are all mostly for cars, insurance, beer or viagra and you even get the Picture in Picture ads at times.
    dolphin25, Csonka Marino and resnor like this.
  2. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    I was building my sons PAC-MAN arcade all through the 2nd half so was probably a lot calmer than I would have been if I had been focused 100% on the game but I stopped on the 3rd and 2 and was punching the air when Wilson went crashing through the line.
    dolphin25 and resnor like this.
  3. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    Going to be “they have only beaten 2 teams with winning records” after next Sunday.
  4. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    I figure the next narrative will be "they have to do it on the road" now. If they lose to the Ravens next week they're back to a fraud.

    When they beat the Ravens, the narratives are officially running out.
    Csonka Marino likes this.
  5. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Next goalposts are: 1) win a playoff game, 2) win the SB, and 3) win with a strong arm.

    Let's see how far we get. I fear Tua will fail at #3.
    danmarino and Csonka Marino like this.
  6. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Merry Christmas.
  7. Fishhead

    Fishhead Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Is that Bubba Lou Who? Lol
    OwesOwn614 likes this.
  8. Phin McCool

    Phin McCool Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Surprised no one has singled Durham Smythe out for praise. He made at least two, possibly three, catches on that final drive to pick up first downs or close to first downs, where he had to battle for extra yardage at the end of the run. Bit of an under-the-radar, unsung hero for me, same as AVG was before he started getting noticed.
  9. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    With the injuries to Waddle and Chosen we might see even more targets to Smythe for the next few games.
    dolphin25 and resnor like this.
  10. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    right, Miami needs to only worry about winning their games and all works out.
  11. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    If Miami wins both games, we're the #1 seed.

    If Miami wins one or Buffalo loses one, we take the division.
    A few scenarios would still be in play for seeding at #1, #2, or #3. We can't get the #4 seed since the AFC South has that on lock.

    If Miami loses both, we'd be the #3, 5, or 6 seed, depending on Cleveland, Baltimore, and Buffalo. No other wildcard team can get to 11 wins so we can't be the #7. If Buffalo loses to the Pats we're locked at the #3 or higher regardless of any other outcome.

    Who we want to win this week (in order of importance):

    Miami over Baltimore (we are AFC E champs, playing for #1 seed)
    Patriots over Bills (we are AFC E champs, playing for #1-3 seed)
    Bengals over Chiefs (likely not important, could affect top-end seeding)
    Jets over Browns (not important, could affect wildcard seeding if we lose both)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
  12. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    Aren’t we guaranteed at least the #6 seed now? Problem with losing both games would mean that we are going to Arrowhead or Buffalo for the wildcard round.
    It would likely be Arrowhead since Buffalo hold the tie breaker over the Chiefs.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  13. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    The Browns could get to 12 wins and take the #5.

    Edit- There's no competition for #6 since the Bills and Chiefs would take their divisions, and we'd be the last standing at 11 wins. So yeah, we can't be the #4 seed or the #7 seed anymore....we'll land at #1, 2, 3, 5, or 6.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
  14. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    The Chiefs win the division with 11 wins and would be #3, Buffalo would be #2 based on head to head (assuming both win out).
  15. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Crap, you're right...so we are guaranteed the #6. I updated my earlier post.
    Springveldt likes this.
  16. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    If we lose both games then it’s a stupidly hard road to the Super Bowl. Likely would be Chiefs, Ravens then the Bills all on the road.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  17. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
  18. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Tyreek still needs 360 yards in two games to break 2k, or an average of 180 per game. Not an impossible feat by any means but he'd have to have two very big games.

    To surpass the current record of 1964 yards, he'd need 324 total yards, or 162 per game.
    resnor and danmarino like this.

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