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Were Bess & Hartline's Number of TDs an Issue?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by shouright, Jan 19, 2013.

Did Tannehill struggle in any way that wasn't caused by anyone else in the world?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  1. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    I'm afraid I can't let you have the last word in the cancer thread, friend.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Right. Which is why I don't think you can just take Jackson's numbers and add them to the offense to determine Tannehill's QB rating. His QB rating could, and probably should be higher with Jackson as his WR. But we said the same with Henne when we added Marshall.
    shouright likes this.
  3. shouright

    shouright Banned

    Dec 13, 2007
    Hooray! Some people here are actually able to learn from experience! :)
    Anonymous likes this.
  4. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    What did or did not happen with Henne and Marshall is absolutely irrelevant to the situation at hand. That's like saying Marshall's wife stabbed him last year, so let's get a WR who isn't married.

    And yes, I can add the numbers because the question at hand was the more TDs a WR has, the less or more change in the QB's rating.
    shula_guy likes this.
  5. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL

    No one 'added' anything or anyone. TO ANYTHING.

    its a comparison based on completions and post catch production.... holy mother of god,

    the comparison was based on completions to show the difference in AC production. since you make that comparison as is, you can make the comparison with identical numbers in the opposite situation to further explain said importance. i.e. RT would have better numbers with VJax's stats. This is because Vjax had Better stats, this all stemming back down to better AC production and more T A L E N T.

    you keep spewing this speculation of 'adding him to the team wouldnt produce said results' when no one is saying anything even close to that

    Hrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg. It burns. :headwall:
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Don't agree. It's a good example to show that bringing in a higher caliber receiver will not automatically mean the QB will put up better numbers.
    shouright likes this.
  7. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    There is no certainty in anything, but you know, thats another thing that no one is arguing.

    I'm slightly horrified if you are trying to make a case against this, all certainties aside.
  8. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    So let me see if I understand your total argument.....

    I can't add in a WR's numbers to a QB rating to give a rough idea what it would do a QB's rating, even I'm comparing like catch numbers in the same year, because there's too much variance for it to matter.....BUT what happened between a different QB and WR in a different year is evidence of your point about a QB and WR this year?
  9. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    What exactly is another way to prove something?
    shouright likes this.
  10. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    TBH FinD, I don't think you have the slightest clue what is going on in this debate.

  11. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    Except that the assumption would then be Henne = Tannehill. Which is not the case.

    Why did Moore look to Marshall 1st last year and most often when a play was needed?

    You truly going to say the presence of Marrshall didnt make life easier on Bess and hartline?


    Only way to compare apples to apples is if each played w same cast in same system for same coaches with same tendencies

    Cant believe i responded again,, time will tell the story not stats in ind perceptions
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
  13. shouright

    shouright Banned

    Dec 13, 2007
    It's when you see it, I tell you! When you see it, with your own eyes! :)

    Of course if I "see" it and you don't, then you're wrong! ;)
  14. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
  15. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Certainly I love to hear people's opinions on things. But at the same time the proclivity to criticize any type of statistical conclusions in favor of someone's subjective opinion has gotten bizarre, considering how often even the best evaluators make bad mistakes.

    Either way, I think its safe to assume that NFL players' and coaches' eyes told them something about Hartline, considering he's a PB alternate?
    shouright likes this.
  16. Im not going to argue with you over it. I have no dog in this fight. The only thing I will say is that I think you took the point FinD was making out of context. He was switching the numbers only to illustrrate that the amount of TDs do in fact alter the QBR. At least thats what I think he was trying to say. He was not saying that if RT had whoever as a wr that would of been his stats because he had that reciever.

    Shou is trying to say that poor wr performance did not effect RTs production numbers and that basically all of the struggles belong to him. He even goes as far as saying that if BH or DB had more TDs that RTs QBR would likely been lower. Its too far out there for me to take him seriously or not to suspect that he is trolling for an argument.

    The point you are making is the same one I attempted to make to Shou back when I thought his postion was sincere. His data that he uses to declare his opinions as facts are incomplete. You can not look at cherry picked stastical data and make the conclusions he is making. Perfect example is how everyone is saying that YAC are a direct evaluation of the WRs talent. That is only partialy true. How the ball is delivered, where it is delivered, and when it is delivered are all things controlled by the QB and effect the YAC stat. I would even go as far as saying the play called vrs the defensive play called effects the YAC stat. Theres just too many factors to nail it down so definitively off of limited stastical data.
    Anonymous likes this.
  17. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Then maybe you shouldn't go into his threads? Making a thread does not warrant becoming the topic of the thread. You've made fair points in this thread, but please don't derail it.
    shouright likes this.
  18. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007

    The show "Cheaters" just got real boring.

    Statistics don't prove anything. Statistics are a presentation of data. Data isn't proof. Data is information used to form conclusions. They are useful and helpful, but not proof.
    jim1 likes this.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    If that is what he was trying to say, then I apologize to him and misunderstood his argument.
    shula_guy likes this.
  20. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    If you don't have anything to say about the topic of the thread, please move along. Posting about other posters is not what this forum is for. The staff is really trying to let everyone work things out like adults, but people cannot converse in an appropriate manner, you will face severe consequences.

    This essentially applies to everyone, neither side of the debate is above this.

    A lot of moderators are trying to relax during the slow time of the year, and when we see things run amok like this, it really is infuriating. Do not make our job harder than it needs to be.
    shouright likes this.
  21. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    This ^ is a perfect example of the *** backwards insanity this topic has become.

    Stats are the only reliable of proof of something because everything else is too subjective, and to prove it about Hartline, look he was a Pro Bowl alternate.
  22. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    This just isn't true. Even using the most rudimentary interpretation, the final score of a game proves who the winner is.
    shouright likes this.
  23. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    When did I say they're the only reliable form of proof???
    shouright likes this.
  24. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Exactly, you have to the use the most rudimentary interpretation for the score of a football game to count as statistics. So rudimentary, in fact, its more or less weak sauce for this discussion.
  25. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    You certainly implied it.
  26. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yes, I'm using the simplest, most obvious example. I'm not sure how its weak-sauce though. You stated that statistics don't prove anything, yet we are discussing a game where a statistic determines the winner or loser.
    shouright likes this.
  27. Statistics are a record of whatever it is you are measuring and they provide evidence that can support a theory but they are not proof of anything more then the validity of the measurement. The disagreement is when somebody says something like it snows more during the certain months because they have the letter "R" in them and then proceed to back that by showing statical data that shows more snow in those months then the ones without. Then the person falsely proclaims this an an undeniable, irrefutable fact and dismisses a perfectly acceptable counter argument like maybe there is more snow in those months because those months are winter/fall months and the reason for the snow is because of the temperature climate and not because of the letter "R".
  28. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Do you see the contradiction in that?
  29. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    A score is different. A number is not necessarily a statistic. The score of a game is the objective. In fact, I'm not sure you can call a score a statistic, since its the objective of the given study subject.

    What we've been talking about is more along the lines of does the final score of the game prove who is the better team? Statistical analysis doesn't prove that.
  30. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    The score of the game absolutely is a statistic. It is a statistic that tells you who the winner is. Whether it proves who the better team is is certainly debatable.
    shouright likes this.
  31. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
  32. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Ozzy likes this.
  33. jim1

    jim1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2008

    MOBILE, Ala. — Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland confirmed Tuesday what most fans and NFL insiders already know after the Dolphins finished the 2012 season with a 7-9 record and 27th in scoring offense (18.0 points per game): They need to improve the weapons around Ryan Tannehill.

    “We’re looking for playmakers on offense,” Ireland said at the Senior Bowl, where he is beginning preparations for the 2013 draft in April. “Look, we had two guys with over 60 catches (Brian Hartline, Davone Bess), but we’ve got to find guys that are scoring touchdowns.”

  34. shouright

    shouright Banned

    Dec 13, 2007
    I think the better line of reasoning with regard to this issue is whether a group of fans, myself included, who have 1) no signifcant expertise regarding the issues they speak of, and 2) no true knowledge of the inner workings of the team, can do any better than statistical analysis in determining what can truly be known about the team and its players.

    I mean we can sling opinions around all day, and that's fine, not a problem at all, but if we're really trying to know something with any degree of certainty, the tack has to be objective and statistical IMO.

    What I was trying to know, for example, with regard to starting this thread, was 1) whether Bess and Hartline had truly caught a significantly lesser percentage of TD passes from Tannehill than other starting receiver duos had caught from their rookie QBs, and 2) how the variation in that was correlated with those QBs' ratings, if at all.

    It was simply a search for information, analyzed statistically, that I then shared with the forum. I'm not sure how we'd go about coming to know anything with any degree of certainty through any method other than that. I mean we can sure opine that "Ryan Tannehill would've done so much better this year if Bess and Hartline had more ability to catch TD passes," but there is no degree of objectivity or certainty at all offered by that IMO.

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. :)
    Ophinerated likes this.
  35. shouright

    shouright Banned

    Dec 13, 2007
    They aren't? I thought Jeff Ireland was a complete idiot who had no idea what he's doing? :headscratch:
  36. smahtaz

    smahtaz Pimpin Ain't Easy

    I just think he needs to get a little more air under his deep throws. Take a look at Flaco and Ryan and you'll see more of an arch with their deep balls. I do agree that Ireland dropped the ball this year, big time. Tannehill didn't have many weapons.
  37. shouright

    shouright Banned

    Dec 13, 2007
    Here are the data for the 2012 season that pertain to the above discussion:

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 385"]
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]TEAM
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]Passing TDs
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]QB Rating
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]Win %age
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]WR TDs
    [TD="width: 64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]%age of WR TDs
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]New Orleans Saints
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]43
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]96.4
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.438
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]20
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]46.5
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Detroit Lions
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]22
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]81.5
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.25
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]16
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]72.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Dallas Cowboys
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]29
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]91.3
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.5
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]23
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]79.3
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]New England Patriots
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]34
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]97.7
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.75
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]14
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]41.2
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Denver Broncos
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]37
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]105.3
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.813
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]28
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]75.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Atlanta Falcons
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]32
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]99.1
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.813
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]19
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]59.4
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Indianapolis Colts
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]23
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]76.4
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.688
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]16
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]69.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Oakland Raiders
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]24
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]82.4
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.25
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]16
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]66.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Green Bay Packers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]40
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]108.3
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.688
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]35
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]87.5
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]27
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]81.8
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.438
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]19
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]70.4
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Houston Texans
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]22
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]89.2
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.75
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]8
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]36.4
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]New York Giants
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]26
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]87.2
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.563
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]18
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]69.2
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Philadelphia Eagles
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]18
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]78.6
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.25
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]12
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]66.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Pittsburgh Steelers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]27
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]88.1
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.5
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]15
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]55.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Baltimore Ravens
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]22
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]86.4
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.625
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]14
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]63.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Carolina Panthers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]19
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]86.5
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.438
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]10
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]52.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Cincinnati Bengals
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]28
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]88.1
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.625
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]22
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]78.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]St. Louis Rams
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]22
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]82.7
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.469
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]15
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]68.2
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Cleveland Browns
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]16
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]73.5
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.313
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]11
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]68.8
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Washington Redskins
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]24
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]102.1
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.625
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]20
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]83.3
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Jacksonville Jaguars
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]20
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]74.7
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.125
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]14
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]70.0
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Tennessee Titans
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]17
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]76.9
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.375
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]12
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]70.6
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]San Francisco 49ers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]23
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]101.2
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.719
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]14
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]60.9
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]San Diego Chargers
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]26
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]88.5
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.438
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]15
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]57.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Buffalo Bills
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]24
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]82.2
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.375
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]13
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]54.2
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Miami Dolphins
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]13
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]76.7
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.438
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]3
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]23.1
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Seattle Seahawks
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]27
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]100.6
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.688
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]18
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]66.7
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Arizona Cardinals
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]11
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]63.1
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.313
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]11
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]100.0
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Chicago Bears
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]21
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]80.4
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.625
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]17
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]81.0
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]New York Jets
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]14
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]68.3
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.375
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]9
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]64.3
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Minnesota Vikings
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]18
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]81.2
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.625
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]8
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]44.4
    [TD="width: 165, bgcolor: white, align: center"]Kansas City Chiefs
    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: white, align: center"]8
    [TD="width: 72, bgcolor: white, align: center"]63.8
    [TD="width: 75, bgcolor: white, align: center"]0.125
    [TD="width: 66, bgcolor: white, align: center"]4
    [TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]50.0

    The correlation between percentage of TDs thrown to teams' WRs and their QB rating is 0.01, showing no relationship whatsoever.

    The correlation between percentage of TDs thrown to teams' WRs and their win percentage is -0.05, also indicating no relationship.

    The scatterplots for these variables do not reveal a curvilinear relationship. The data points are scattered randomly, indicating that there is not an "optimal" percentage of TD passes to teams' WRs.

    Apparently, at least for the 2012 season, throwing TDs to a team's wide receivers is meaningless.

    Based on this, I suspect the common belief that Bess and Hartline's "inability to score TDs" was a significant cause of Ryan Tannehill's performance is not valid.

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