John Harbaugh: Tom Brady:
Patriots homers and their defenders can say all they want about how Spygate was irrelevent and everyone cheats and all that crap. But it'll never change the fact that they were CAUGHT. And I'll never stop bringing it up.
I always thought when someone was declaring ineligible the ref had to get on the mic declaring it so the defense knew? Weird.
I always thought that when the refs change their mind about a call they would announce it. I thought running on the field without your helmet on was an instant penalty. The NFL is funny like that sometimes.
Apparently they did. The problem was that as soon as the ref announced it, Brady would snap the ball. Literally as soon as the ref shut his mouth the ball was snapped. That's what Harbaugh's beef is. The late announcement, coupled with the intentionally hurried approach to snapping the ball with an ineligible receiver who already was on the field only hidden by the offensive line. And that is how you neutralize a pass-rush, using only coaching and cheating tactics.
On second thought, I don't hear the guy being declared by the refs. [video=youtube;r4Q3gmF0U0Y][/video]
Legal but definitely unsportsmanlike. Can't imagine the league doesn't 'clarify/emphasize' it to the refs this week..... even if it is the Patriots. Gotta give the opposition the opportunity to identify and substitute. Chaos otherwise. - posted via Tapatalk -
Its rare that the Patriots beat a team legitimately. They always gotta use dirty tricks to win. They make Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. For the record though, the Ravens had that game, just fell in the love with the pass late. Should've kept running the ball.
They didn't. I recall the replays last night just showing the official yelling/gesturing to the defense. - posted via Tapatalk -
Looking at the video, it appears that brilliantly, it's the receiver ON the line of scrimmage that comes back to "block", but at the same time he is gesturing as if to catch a screen pass! 0:07 Vereen on the line of scrimmage, comes back but gestures for a screen pass. 0:25 BOTH receivers on the wide right side of the formation come back; one is gesturing as if to block, and the other as if to catch a screen. If the ineligible player was indeed declared, it would still be confusing to a defender given that Vereen had previously gestured as if to catch a screen even though he was an illegible receiver. 0:41 Vereen again, similar to the first. Not sure if the video purposely cut out the announcement, but the fast pace was definitely intentional.
lol trick plays and formations coupled with a hurry up offense folks. Baltimore started beating themselves late in the game. Watch Suggs give up on Edelman on the pass to Amendola
Brady got so cold and jaded with his success, it's unreal. I remember him being so happy go lucky when he won the first one.
Agreed. It's only gay if he bangs Tom Brady. Merely fapping to the thought of Brady in a candle-lit room to the tune of Kenny G is still acceptable as just fan stuff.
At least there were Heat fans prior to LeBron when we had Zo and Timmy. Don't recall ever seeing anyone wearing Pats jersies prior to Brady showing up.
well they have sold out every game since 1994. also, that's the way it works in sports anyway, why would an owner care about winning championships other than increasing market share by building a bigger fan base. It's basic business. When the Phins transition to that role, it will be the same thing. it doesn't matter, it always cycles, but we all know it's fun to jest about.
I guess it's cuz the Celtics were hot garbage in the 90s and Parcells revived you guys when you had the mannequin known as Drew Bledsoe at QB throwing it to Terry "She" Glenn. And Miami/South Florida unfortunately is a fair weather, trendy market. You either need to be a contender or have stars on your team to attract people to your games. Too many transplants here to build a true fanbase like the Dolphins had back the day. BTW, despite LeBron leaving and us having a tough year, Heat attendance has been steady.
I think he is talking about people who are not from New England vs random people. I am from there, moved out in 2001. Growing up, it was always the Pats up there with the rare stragglers of other teams. I'm a Boston 4 sport fan all the way but I do pull for the Carolina Hurricanes here because I live near the arena and go to quite a few games, simply for the love of hockey. I don't own any of their gear tho. When someone comments on my hat, jersey, shirt, etc the first thing I ask is, OH, what part of NE are you from, and if the say, naw man, I am a native from NC, I laugh and walk away.
This is art. When the Pats' defensive players were saying their names and colleges, I was distracted and first thought that Wilfork said "Burger King" and nearly died before realizing he said "Hurricanes." Yes, I'm crazy.
I remember going to a Dolphins/Pats game in the 80's as a kid in the old Foxboro Stadium. We walked right up to the ticket window and bought 50 yardline seats (within the 2....40 yardlines) 8 rows up.....Back then this area was littered with other teams fans...