You think Saban liked big LB's ?Parcells really likes big LB's. Where does this leave Zach?Does he retire,restructure and stay with us or gets/asks for a trade?Thoughts?
Zach's restructured so many times it's crazy. Personally, I think just in the interest of practicality, Zach will be here next year.
Unless he retires or someone drops us a really nice offer, ZT should be a Phin again. The guy is a great teacher, and plays with passion and fire, something this team and its developing young core need to get.
Hey FFIC,just noticed your age. I'm 43 myself.My first Dolphins game watched was "the longest game ever played ,the Kansas City playoff game on Dec.25 1970. Your probaly like me and seen some great Dolphin seasons.These last 6 years have been brutal for me.I feel sorry for some the younger Dolphins fans that I talk to that wasn't around for the No Name years or the Killer Bees or especially when a rookie QB,in 1983 took the field,late in the fourth against then the Los Angeles Raiders on a monday night game starting a magical 17 year ride.I'm starting to worry ,if we are to be like say the Chicago Cubs in baseball,and not see a championship in our lifetime. Heres hoping to change for the better.
43 is a great year, we are Richard Petty in age, or Terry Kirby. Bro we have seen a lot in our time. I just want to blow this thing up once, and get us back on track, and go up from here. I am not expecting a playoff next year, just good progress. Here is to 08 brother!
Thanks bro.... I used to think it was a birthright for the Dolphins to be in the playoffs. The last few years have humbled me. I'm ready to build a young team and watch them grow toward the playoffs. I really don't want a one or two year team of high priced mercenarys. My fave Dolphin TEAM of all time was the 81 team with the Killer Bees, that was a team.
We need to get great players in the draft, sign good undrafted players, and get good second tier free agents. That would be some good blue collar types. i don't want to sign anymore high free agent players. I want to build through he draft.
I’m 47, my Mom sent me these old tickets from a game I went to, I’m pretty sure these are from ’71. Johnny Unitas was playing. We were mighty spoiled with one of the greatest teams in the history of sports. Guaranteed we will never see anything like this again… Garo Yepremian, Paul Warfield, Howard Twilley, Doug Swift, Bill Stanfill, Larry Seiple, Jake Scott, Mercury Morris, Dick Anderson, Bob Matheson, Jim Mandich, Larry Csonka, Larry Little, Jim Langer, Bob Kuechenberg, Mike Kolen, Jim Kiick, Bob Griese, Tim Foley, Marv Fleming, Manny Fernandez, Norm Evans, Vern Den Herder, Nick Buoniconti, Dick Anderson… Tickets- six bucks each!
Besides JT, Zach is the whole deffence with out him Channing isnt that good without him none of the players are that good he made this Deffence what it was and i hope he is back atleast tell he finshes his contract and he has said that he wants to stay in miami
I'm worry about Zach really getting hurt if he plays on a real 3-4 defence...those big guards are gonna be on him and he's giving up over 100lbs to some of those guys.....I think he should retired or maybe traded(I'd hate that)to a team that plays a 4-3. Ozzy rules!!
I think Zach stays one more and then retires. We draft an ILB to replace him this year and the kid learns from Zach. Zach could then become the LB coach.
He kept Dat Nguyen around, and he performed great for Bill. Nguyen was pretty much the same size as Zach.
I want him to re-structure and retire a Fin. Medical wise does anyone know how he is? Head injuries and the MLB position itself does not fill me with confidence that Zach will be around much longer. Hope im wrong.
Zach Thomas, whether he "fits" in the new system, should consider retirement. The problems resulting from his concussion can only get worse. There is no need to continue playing. He has nothing to prove. He has been a great player every year he has been in this league. He has been one of the very few constants on this team. What will he be playing for with the Dolphins? Realistically nothing - because there is just no way we'll be a truly competitive team again while he is still playing. Why risk his long term health? There is just no point in it. Thanks Zach for your heart and effort through the years and proving that it is NOT the size of the of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Now, do what is best for your health and future.
personally, I wish Zach would retire. His intellect and health are at risk. The dang dummy got concussed in the 1st quarter and continued playing even tho he could hardy stay awake... THEN, after healing for weeks he gets into a fender bender that does not hurt his wife, but trips Zach into migranes. Please just retire Zach.. no Ali shake and shuffle for you.