My wife just hooked me up with Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Pride and Joy". Got to love her. I was just wondering what everyone else had. [ame][/ame]
John - Great song you have there. I have AC/DC "It's a long way to the top" [ame=]YouTube - AC/DC - It's A Long Way To The Top If you wanna rock'n'roll[/ame]
default t-mobile jingle.... I text more than get calls.. now when you text me it says "So many messages, not enough hoes"
It's Gen Custer's 7th Cavalry March: Called Garry Owen (midi format) [ame=""]YouTube - Errol Flynn - Garry Owen sequence 7th cav[/ame] more like this: [ame][/ame]
"oh baby i like it raw" old dirty bastard.....when my wifey calls for anything else its "sky rockets in flight" from anchorman.....
Several years ago I was on a jury for a pretty bad dude and the jury was waiting out in the hall near the end of the trail waiting to be let back into the courtroom and at the time "hells bells" was my ringtone and I had it turned up super loud. This very quiet group of people huddled together in the hall and my damn phone went off I think half of them almost crapped themselves and the other half gave me the stink eye.
You should go someplace crowded and put the chorus to "closer" on your phone - bet that will draw a few looks.
Brad Paisley - I'm Gonna Miss Her. [ame=]YouTube - Brad Paisley - I'm Gonna Miss Her[/ame]
When my friend Glenn calls-AC/DC "Thunderstruck". Anyone else is (Yo Ho Yo Ho)A Pirate's Life for Me.
I had something like that happen years ago. My nephew and I (4 years age difference) worked for a company and our boss was a real hard *** who always passed the blame. So we set our ringers to various things so when he called we would laugh our asses off. Our boss looked exactly like Big Gay Al from Southpark and even said things like "I'm Super", so I had this as my ringtone. [ame=]YouTube - Big Gay Al - I'm Super[/ame] Needless to say, don't have your phone on when you're entering his office and he's trying to call you.
Mine just rings. I used to make them myself though. I had a BT one at one time, a Keb Mo one at one time and me playing guitar on there at one other time.
I hear "Hot for Teacher" by Van Halen. I made it through iTunes. It starts with the pick slide and the guitar intro and runs for about 30 seconds. Its the 1:00 mark in this video. [ame=""]YouTube - Hot For Teacher : Van Halen[/ame]
Lil Waynes part from Luxury Tax. At the :07 mark. [ame=]YouTube - rick ross-Luxury Tax[/ame]
mine goes bum bum buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum bum bumity bum bummity bummity bum. I can't remember the name of the song though........
I have Beck "E-Pro" as my default. "What's Going On" when Mrs. Z calls. (It's a Karaoke staple for her.) And I have the TARDIS materialization sound when I get a text.
Nice choice, mine is the intro to Baby Please Dont Go- AC/DC [ame=]YouTube - AC/DC[/ame]
i keep it on vibrate. but if its on its stand up-ludacris. it was on it when i got the phone..its my sisters fiance old phone and they wont let me buy ringtones
Mine.... Dethklok - Go Forth and Die [ame=]YouTube - Dethklok - Go Forth and Die (Speed change)[/ame]
Thats the website I use also, you can edit the song to the part you want. They send you a link in a text then you downlaod it.