Hey guys, Im just getting into Photoshop again (just purchased PS CS3 ) and would like to know of any sites that have high res pics for every game. This isnt the first time Im asking, but I have a new computer now, and I happend to have lost all my favorites on the browser. Apparently, they are located in a sub directory in My Documents and I didnt put those on the portable. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I use yahoo sports right after games. Either that, or you can go to www.gettyimages.com. They have a watermark on their pics, but you can always remove them with PS.
If the image is layered, you can just delete the layer the watermark is on. If the watermark is semi-transparent and relatively unobtrusive, you can use the clone tool to kind of "smudge" it out. There is no "remove watermark" tool, so you'll need a basic familiarity with Photoshop to understand the different methods available.
Thanks for the help guys. The one I tried as a sample was not layerd. Thereofore I am up #&!#'s creek for now. I will search for some tutorials I guess.