Who would you rather have as coach wannstedt or tony

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by pumpdogs, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    I think the question needs further explanation...if you're talking about who is the better X's and O's coach...it's a tossup. If you're talking about who is the better HC, there isn't even a question...It's Sparano every day of the week and twice on Sunday's....I mean, it's not even close. I think Wanny can coach a better D than Sparano can an O, but that's about where the similarities end. Wanny never related to his players, never was able to evaluate talent and never had a personality to lead a team and deal with the media....

    But in reality, the gist of the question is pretty silly....we are still paying for the stupid personnel moves that Wanny either made or didn't make...Fiedler was decent QB. Not an elite QB. Didn't have that little bit extra that separates the men from the boys in the QBs rankings...Wanny either didn't see that or couldn't see that and never looked to upgrade the position...when he did, it was usually out of desperation and necessity rather than to upgrade...

    No question in anyone's mind here....Sparano hands down...
  2. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Parcells was the one who decided to call Nolan and bring him in. Nolan worked under Parcells in 2000 with the Jets. This is also supported by the fact that Mike Mayock flat out said that he found out it was Parcells who really wanted Nolan taking over Miami's defense during senior bowl practice week when the Dolphins coaching staff was there.

    So Sparano doesn't deserve any credit for the hiring of Mike Nolan. Because who are you kidding anyway.. do you actually think Sparano has any pull or influence over one of the top defensive minds of the game to get him in here ?? come on... Sparano is a laughing stock to other coaches around the league. They know how clueless he is.

    Although Parcells has pretty much left the organization (not sure if the talk of him getting close to Ross lately is just a ploy to sway another team to overpay for his services), but at least the guy left us with a good defensive mind in Mike Nolan.

    Everything Sparano has touched and brought in into this season has turned to crap.

    He's a high school coach who is totally clueless at the NFL level.

    The Dolphins defense held them to 6 points at the half and only one TD throughout the whole game. An NFL team should win under those circumstances.. But of course, the offense only had SIX first downs till the midpoint portion of the 4th Quarter !!!

    As soon as the defense made a stop they had to trot right back onto the field because the offense couldn't do jack when they had the ball.

    You're honestly blaming time of possession on the defense when the offense can only muster 6 measly first downs through most of the game ? Are you f'in serious ?

    Get out of Tony Sparano's school of football as fast as you can & save yourself.

    The only people doing a fabulous job are the guys who are on the defensive side of the ball.... an area Sparano has no influence or any valuable input on.

    If not for the defensive improvement this season the Dolphins are a 3-7 or 2-8 team... there's Sparano for you as he oversees the rest.
  3. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    In fairness to pumpdogs, I think he misses the results of the Wanny Era, he did win 41 games second most in Dolphins history.

    But the problem with that is there is more to being a Head Coach/GM than good seasons, you need to develop players as well and it is boring and it may not produce results on the field, but the Coach has to do it and Wanny had maybe 1 success in Ogunlaye, then of course through mismanagement was forced to trade him for cheap.

    Does anyone really miss that?
  4. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Welp, if you feel that way I won't waste your or my time trying to change your mind.
  5. Vinny Fins

    Vinny Fins Feisty Brooklyn dolfan ️‍

    Oct 26, 2009
    Also, I love when someone poses a 'question' thread, and when people choose the other option, the OP proceeds to bash them and their opinion.

    Fact: 'Stache is a schmuck.
  6. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    padre31 likes this.
  7. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    I saw enough of this from him to last a lifetime. No Thanks to Wrongstadt

    Coral Reefer likes this.
  8. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Ugh, the patented WannyStache clueless look..nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FWIW, Greg Cote is pimping John Gruden for the Dolphins in a Herald rumors column, claims he has a source for it, but I'm not seeing it, Gruden would require a complete clearing of the decks from GM to scouts, and tbh, he is a worse judge of talent than WannyStache was during his tenure.
  9. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    There we go. Wanny sucked but a lot of people on this site are still drinking the sparano cool aide.I am telling you this guy is no better.The first year was a mirage,david lee coming up with wildcat which at the time nobody could stop,easiest schdeule in the league made for a 11-5 team.Last year 7-9,this year if were lucky 8-8.What do all these coaches have in common after jimmy johnson?Could not find a qb.
  10. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    You know you can make an argument that you don't think Sparano is a good coach without bringing up Wanny at all.

    You'd probably be able to make a much better point that way then you will attempting to compare him to one of, if not THE biggest villain in Phins franchise history.

    In addition you're wrong with the commonality between all coaches after Johnson. Wanny never attempted to find a QB. That separates him yet again from Sparano. Maybe Henne dosen't work out in the end but at least they did spend a high draft pick looking for a solution.
    They DID NOT scour other teams backups and hand the team over to the first one they landed. Wanny didn't value the QB position. That alone leaves him on an island of idiocy unmatched by any other.
  11. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Sparano had absolutely nothing to do with the selection of Henne... or any of our draft selections for that matter.

    That was all on Ireland, Parcells, and the scouting department.

    WTF are you talking about ? Because that's EXACTLY what they did in 2008 when they brought in Pennington to lead this team.

    And of course, Pennington coming in had nothing to do with Sparano. He was brought in because of Parcells and Henning from their days together with the Jets.

    If not for Pennington coming in to save the day in 08, Tony Sparano would have 3 seasons of losing records in his first 3 years as a head coach.

    loser..Loser.. LOSER...


    Sparano is garbage and he has absolutely no qualifications or ability to be a head coach in the NFL.

    I guarantee you when this buffoon gets canned (hopefully soon) he will never find a head coaching job in the NFL again. The football world will be better served when he's coaching the high school ranks where he belongs.
  12. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    You're right but I didn't make the initial comparison did I?
    The initial poster brought it up so I am countering with what this ADMINISTRATION has done to address the QB position. What they have done to address the QB position CLEARLY separates them from Wanny's administration.

    This gets more amusing by the minute!
    Entertainment at it's finest here.
    You guys going to be here all week?

    Pennington was brought in as a veteran fill in for the QB spot while they groomed a young QB for the future. Pennington was a proven NFL starter, a mediocre one but proven nonetheless.
    What Pennington was not was a career backup washout that had actually been pushed out of the league and got back in only as a favor to his college football coach. That was Jay Fiedler.
    Are you really going to tell me that an administration bringing in a proven vet. starter at QB is the same as bringing in a pine riding backup like Jay Fiedler? Hysterical!

    What Wannstache would have done would have been to keep Josh McCown penciled in as the starter and not drafted a prospect.
    When asked by media why he'd not consider bringing in an established starter like Pennington to keep a lesser talent like McCown he would have responded " What can Pennington do that McCown can't at the QB position"

    The biggest difference to point out is that Pennington was not handed over the keys to the future of the franchise. Again, he was a veteran fill in while they attempt to groom a young QB prospect.
    Wanny never brought in a young prospect. He bet the future of the franchise on an unproven QB that had generated little interest from other teams in the league for a shot at even competing for a starting job let alone handing one to him unchallenged.

    Can you not see the glaring difference?
    WTF are you talking about is the better question.

    Maybe you're right, maybe you're not.
    I'll say it again though.
    The smarter person would attempt to argue Sparano is a bad coach based on the merits of what Sparano has done himself rather than attempting to compare him to the complete train wreck that Wannstache was. You guys just don't get it though so carry on!
  13. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    The point was, in case it went way over your head... was that the acquisition of Pennington had nothing to do with Sparano's influence.

    You said he did as you brought up his name when you said it separates Wanny from Sparano.. The fact is he didn't.

    Neither has Sparano.

    No, the best question is why are you veering off the basis of what I have been saying all along.

    Look, I never compared Sparano to Wanny. My first response in this thread was replying to the ridiculous notion of someone saying Sparano was doing a "fabulous job".

    When that simply couldn't be further from the truth.. I have detailed the reasons why in this thread.. with facts.

    And I'll say it again one last time..

    Not Once have I brought up Wannstedt in this thread. I have no idea why you're assuming I prefer Wannstedt or Sparano... or that I'm comparing them.

    All you're doing is assuming here. Why are you quoting me and responding to me as you bring Wannstedt into the discussion ? If you want to talk about Wanny and the differences, quote the OP... not me

    If you want to talk solely on Sparano and his deficiencies as a HC, then fine, quote me and reply.
  14. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    Actually the point is going way over your head since you missed it completely when you responded. You clearly had no idea what you were responding to. No surprise.

    The initial poster stated that what all coaches have had in common since JJ is that they never found a QB.

    Whether that coach had the influence of a GM or not was never the issue.
    He was attempting to compare Administrations and how they've attempted to address the QB position. The point was that this administration has attempted to address the QB position while Wanny's NEVER did. Up to speed now?

    Additionally you nor I have any idea how much input Sparano has in helping with assessments of players with Ireland.

    This is getting pathetic.

    They spent a 2nd round draft pick on Henne and brought in the best available proven NFL starter to hold down the position while they searched for a future talent. Again, you seem to want to veer this off onto a GM V. Coach debate rather than focus on the actual issue of what the two regimes did to address the QB spot. I imagine you're going down this path to take the focus off of your prior comments.

    Because you're posting these responses in a "would you rather have Wannstache or Sparano as head coach" thread? The entire point of this thread was exactly that!

    Could that possibly be it? :lol:
  15. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Who cares what the initial poster said. YOU were responding and quoting ME.

    If you want to argue with the initial poster and what he brought up, quote HIM and respond to HIM... not me. You must be one of those people who can't realize the difference and take 3 or 4 posts from multiple people trying to prove a point.

    In that case you need to make a blanket statement without quoting anyone.

    It's an issue when you bring up the coaches.

    You made a horrible mistake in assuming Sparano was the reason.. If it was the administration, as it was in this case... then you should have named the administration or FO.. Not Sparano.

    You're mistake. Don't backtrack now.

    If you wouldn't have made such a ridiculous assumption, I never would have replied.

    And the focus of my prior comments was on Tony Sparano.. nothing else. If anyone is "veering off" here it is you.

    Read this thread again and hopefully you're bright enough to see it.

    A thread title has no relevance to the points I made.

    Only a small minded individual such as yourself would assume such garbage and use a silly thread title to draw false conclusions and assumptions.

    Congratulations on proving that to all of us.
  16. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Dude, who gives a **** cares if the other coaches tried to find a qb or not.Wanny could have had trent green,I know this.Saban could have had dree brees or aaron rodgers,and you know these idiots could have matt ryan.Apprently they didn't put qb on top of thier list either they thought left tackle was more important which I will argue about until the day I die.
    The bottomline is none of these coaches found the guy!!!!!!!!!!!This the main reason this team has not been too the afc championship since 1994.
    My whole point of this post was hey everybody hated wanny(including myself)and he got bashed left and right before we even had these sites.What has the skinny italian guy done to make himself any better than wanny?Do remember the saints games last year before the half.NUFF SAID!
  17. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Really man. Only a nutbag would assume that I was comparing Wanny to Sparano when I responded to someone who said Sparano was doing a "fabulous job".

    Come on. I mean, really.

    It's just hilarious how you veered off into the stratosphere with all your assumptions, and wasted your time doing so. At least the previous poster had the common sense to cut it off after he was schooled.
  18. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    What makes you think I got schooled by that tool
  19. F.O

    F.O New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    I wasn't referring to you.

    I was referring to the guy who was convinced that "Sparano is doing a fabulous job".

    Previous poster, meaning, the previous poster I was debating with.... not the actual previous post in the thread.
  20. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Sorry about that,If you noticed with some of my post lately I'm a angry fan these days.
  21. Merauder

    Merauder Perseverance

    Dec 16, 2009
    Fort Lauderdale
    They both are too conservative. Sparano needs to go back to University of New Haven. Bring in Gruden or Cowher and lets get it done the right way. Thanks.
  22. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Big and slow that how parcells builds them.
  23. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    Dave Wannstedt is the reason this franchise has been mired in mediocrity for 10 years. He couldn't draft, Eddie Moore instead of Anquan Boldin, passing on Brees. He couldn't coach in a game, the Pats game in 02 or 03 at the end of the year, idiot runs 3 straight passing plays when we just need to run Ricky and kill the clock, we lose and are out of the playoffs. Wannstedt took a talented team and ran it into the ground in just about every way possible.

    Sparano hasn't gotten us anything yet and the book is far from written on him, but with all his faults on his coaching staff and some of the decisions that have been made he is clearly a better coach than Wannstedt. Even though he has goofed up clock management early on and had some other problems, I can't see Tony blowing that Pats game the way that Wannstedt did.
  24. DHPVW

    DHPVW DuB addict

    Apr 1, 2010
    Is this for real????? Tony on his worst day over Wannstedt!! Dude was a joke......held our franchise down for years. I know Sparano has kinda flopped this year, but I think he is still a good quality HC. He just needs to get the offense going, whether that be firing Henning idk......but something
  25. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    You are giving way too much credit to the wildcat. Miami had a year with nearly no injuries and many more ball bounces went their way. Plus the defense actually got turnovers and the offense was one of the best at not giving up the ball as well.
    Tin Indian likes this.
  26. Striking

    Striking Junior Member

    Apr 21, 2008
    Aurora, Colorado
    Just because Tony's bone headed decisions are fresher in my mind...Wannstedt.

    People always revert to talking about talent in these types of discussions but it is not about that. It is always about the decisions you make to try to win games. Do they make sense, do they work, how often, etc. Most coaches can win if they have talent, but do they win as often as they should?

    I think Dave took his flawed teams as far as they could go. When I think about this year, I think about loses that could have been wins and that embarrassing game vs New England. Again though, Tony's team's play is much fresher in my old mind.
  27. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Is this a serious question? Lol pathetic!
  28. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Tony Sparano never came close to coaching the biggest collapse I have ever seen as a Dolphin, oops, I mean two of the biggest collapses I have ever seen as a Dolphin's fan.

    One was so bad I almost stopped watching football.
    Tin Indian likes this.
  29. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I will give you that,the team did not have injuries and led the league with least turnovers.But without the wild cat do you think they would have beaten new england when they unleased it.Lets face it was a big factor in their sucess that year.
  30. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    My god, what has happened to this forum?
  31. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    six of one, half dozen of the other...they both spell incompetence & neither worthy of leading an NFL team
  32. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Yes I do. Without the wildcat Miami was up 14-0 and Pennington was having the game of his life. Without the Wildcat I am fully confident that Miami beats new england. Maybe they do not destroy new england like they did, however they do still beat them.

    The wild cat was a factor, however it was totally overblown by fans and the media. The wild cat was something sexy to talk about.
  33. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    need to clean house with the exception of the defense, clean house
    Merauder likes this.
  34. Merauder

    Merauder Perseverance

    Dec 16, 2009
    Fort Lauderdale
    I know right? Fans shouldn't have the right to voice their opinion on how this coaching staff is a failure. Mike Nolan aside of course.
  35. gofins

    gofins Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Laurel, Md
    Tough. boff jessica alba. always had something for her. marry whoever has more money but couldn't kill the remaining one. Is that cheating?
  36. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    It's not about that Merauder.
    It's about someone deciding to compare Sparano to the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise, Dave Wannstedt.

    You can argue about what you think Sparano lacks without having to bring up Wanny.
    It's like trying to develop an argument about a kid struggling with grades in school by comparing him to someone that's had a complete lobotomy.

    It's not necessary and quite frankly absurd.
  37. Merauder

    Merauder Perseverance

    Dec 16, 2009
    Fort Lauderdale
    That would be Cam CamMORON and Randy Mueller/Rick Spielman. They were the worst. Not Wannstache.
  38. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    The sparano comparision aside nick saban was the worst thing to happen in dolphins history.At least wanny gave us a playoff win. Saban lied to us about going to alabama then 3 days later slipped out the back door and ****ed us up the ***!
    This led to hiring cam cameron and our worst season in dolphins history.
  39. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    Simply not true.
    Couldn't be any farther from the truth.

    Cam Cameron was here one year.
    How much damage could did he really do?

    He didn't have control of personnel and inherited a disaster.
    I'm not saying he was a good coach but as far as damage to this franchise he isn't anywhere near Wannstache.

    Rick Speilman had no influence at all.
    He was basically a GM only in that he was able to "suggest" picks to Wanny.
    Wanny had full control until the last year....... which coincidentally was the only draft during the Wanny years that had any merit at all.

    Randy Mueller had mixed results with his drafts no doubt but none were as disastrous as the Wanny drafts.

    Have you guys really forgotten the immense damage that man caused this franchise?
    This team is still suffering from the talent discrepency to this day from the stripping of all talent off of our roster from his time here.
  40. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    Horse manuer!

    Saban hurt the egos of Phins fans the most because he walked out on us but he hardly put this franchise in the huge hole it was already in.
    That was done long before Saban got here.

    No one and I mean NO ONE did half the damage to this franchise Wanny did.
    He was a class 5 Hurricane and left this team barren of all talent and hope.

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