I'm convinced, a dude who can dance will rule the world. Can anyone, anywhere, explain this female fascination with dancing? From most guys pov, it is merely one more thing.. But hey, Chris Walken can dance: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM1fkHQP_Pw"]YouTube - Weapon Of Choice[/ame]
i am not rhythm deficient. i make a decent dancer i'll have you know. as long as it's slow and not that "drop it like it's hot" ****.
I can pop it an lock it with the best of them. I am actually a really good dancer for a big guy. I serve fools all the time...word.
I'm decent, my wife is South American and we hit the Latin clubs (Wow the women!) from time to time. I do a great job, I guess, because when I dance the Spanish folks clear the floor for me, then throw tomatoes and beer bottles, which, according to her, are signs of approval.
You have an unfair advantage... you're not white. On the other hand, as Dave Chapelle pointed out, white people can dance. We just need the right kind of music.
This comment made me burst out laughing causing all of my co-workers to realize that I am not working. Thanks.
I'm passable in terms of dancing unless it's for Dance Marathon, in which my knee decides to give way in about a couple of hours and crash into people with all 210lbs of me... It is. You can recycle those bottles for money and eat those tomatoes now.
I've always wondered this myself. It's because women are inherently selfish and have tunnel vision. It doesn't matter if it makes you uncomfortable or your night less enjoyable. Their dance fun is somehow going to magically rub off on you. Because what's fun for them has to be fun for you, right?
It is quite annoying. I have a couple weddings to go to with my girlfriend next month and I'm already letting her know no dancing will be taking place. As for those white/asian (regan :wink: ) guys who say they're passable...odds are you're not. Most people are terrible, they just either dont care or are in denial. Trust me, you probably look foolish.
I'm one of those white folk that just don't care... I care enough to attempt to dance to the right music, though...
The best part is when they finally give up. Then you're a stubborn no-fun. I think the solution is to get totally plastered and obnoxious. She won't ask you to do much of anything!
i think the keys are to a.) yes get drunk, it loosens you up b.) make the 'too cool for school' face c.) if you have no moves, just find one move and repeat (yes you look foolish but less foolish than just standing there and d.) offer to go buy/get drinks as often as possible and if anything, learn how to do a good 'body roll'- even if you're just moving back and forth, if you're undulating like you're having air sex i feel it makes things easier
why do I need id to get an id? why do people allow cats to emotionally abuse them by coming only when they wish to? why do chubby girls wear the smallest outfits? why does carrot top still have a career? I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night..........