Why the Phins will Continue to Dominate

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by KeyFin, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    When I told you guys that the O/D line problems could literally be fixed overnight with more intensity and a better 1st step, a lot of folks here thought I was literally insane. But I wasn't...I know personally what it's like to play 60 minutes in the trenches in Miami and it's exhausting.

    I don't know if you guys caught it, but they showed a close-up of JJ Watt about halfway through the first quarter just before the snap. He was sucking wind HARD and didn't get fully down in his 3 point stance...and Albert knocked him flat on his *** after the snap. Why? Physics.....straight leverage and force....Albert got low and fired off the ball, and Watt didn't have a chance since he was just squatting and sucking wind. But that's what you do when you're tired....you cheat the stance so your body can take in more air. I know that feeling all too well.

    Here's the thing though- Watt is easily the best DT in the game. Other will say Suh and it's a close race, so I don't want to get into the debates. I'm simply saying that one of the best in the NFL looked like a whipping boy against our first team offense and he got dominated in a way that he's probably never been dominated as a pro. Think about that for a moment...how could that happen with our sub-par line?

    Or how about the best RB in the game? They thought Foster would run wild on us yesterday since he's statistically the best back in the league right now, and it was the first game he's been truly healthy in awhile. Yet when it mattered, he managed to get -6 yards on our offense? Are you kidding me? How often does that happen folks?

    Well, guess what guys....when our team is conditioned to play at this level in South Beach, it's so much easier to go on the road and be explosive. You still get tired but you can breathe better, which means you're able to remain explosive for longer periods of time. And the game is always won or lost in the trenches....control the line of scrimmage and you control the entire game.

    Now forget about the Dolphins for a moment and think about your favorite comeback win EVER. Maybe it was college, the pros or a game you played yourself in high school or little league. It doesn't even have to be football. Whatever the case was, your team was playing bad and suddenly someone made a play, got the team fired up and they started playing bigger than the sum of their parts. That right there is a head coach's real job...to figure out how to get you playing at those levels more often than not...that's the team that wins the Super Bowl EVERY YEAR.

    Well guys, our boys in aqua are playing at that level naturally now and opponents simply do not have an answer. Two weeks in a row, our opponents have flat-out given up in he first quarter.....because they don't want anything to do with what we're selling. Campbell is in the ***-kicking business, plain and simple, and that's what our players are doing from the very first snap...and they're holding that intensity until the game is unofficially over.

    Do you have any idea how rare that is? To make a 1-3 team play like champions?

    So I'm going to say this- the goal this season is 13-3. That's what Campbell is expecting and that's what this team believes can happen. Sure, they're taking one game at a time and all, but they've truly bought into what Campbell is selling and they are playing at championship levels. And guess what; New England doesn't have **** for us....let them tape practices, deflate footballs and run illegal formations....none of it matters. They can't play at our intensity because our team is competing at insane levels....they've drank the Kool-Aid and they can't get enough.

    And what can other teams really do? It's easy to say, "We're gonna plug the gaps so they can't run on us," they told JJ Watt and the Texans linebackers the exact same thing. And how'd that turn out? Miller's 85 yard run came on a blitz with a backer in the A and the B gap....yet he only needed the smallest hole and he was off to the races. He made one cut, one quick step back to the inside without breaking stride at all....and that's all she wrote.

    The same goes for Tannehill. You try to stack the outside corners to take away the short stuff (other team's MO for the past 10 games), then Miller is going to eat you alive. If you stack the box, we'll swing it out to Landry or Matthews. So it's not like the traditional offense where you double a guy and he's a non-factor....we're playing far too violent for that. And you simply can't stop Tannehill in this offense at this time...because we 100% own the trenches.

    Now, I don't think that we will finish the season 13-3, but I would bet the farm that we end up in double digits. This team is simply too talented and playing far too physical for anything else to happen...we are clearly the best team in the NFL at this time. And it's not a fluke folks...it's simply the intensity that every head coach tries to deliver in every major sport around the globe. So I'll say it again...WE ARE CLEARLY THE BEST TEAM IN THE NFL AT THIS TIME. Nobody is playing at our level....nobody....and teams will have to go to war to defeat the Miami Dolphins. You probably don't believe me yet, but you will in a few weeks....trust me.

    The 2015 Miami Dolphins have arrived and the ***-kicking is not going to let up anytime soon. So prepare yourself; we're about to go on a ride that Miami hasn't taken in quite some time.
  2. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013

    When practice is harder than the game, you are going to be put in a position to win. Period.
    Alumni2k11 and KeyFin like this.
  3. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    I feel like your right on the money with this. The only hesitancy I have is how will this new team respond after a loss. My feeling is it will eat them apart, and they will hate losing so much, that will be our only other loss in the regular season. I was listening to Omar Kelly talk about how much it bothered the defense that the offense had the black jerseys last week. He said that was when he knew the team had bought into Dan Campbell. He has them so competitive that the defense hated the offense winning the black jerseys. Another thing playing to our advantage this season...is the players all want Campbell as their permanent head coach. It wont surprise me if he hear more talk like La Confora's piece about Todd Haley. After thinking about it, wouldnt surprise me if that somehow...um...made its way from Davie. Could be TBomb wants them to keep fighting for Campbell's job. That team is NOT going to want to let him down.
    Agua and KeyFin like this.
  4. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Great write-up. I hope you're right. Super excited for Thursday's game.
    KeyFin likes this.
  5. SuhMe

    SuhMe Banned

    Mar 13, 2015
    Thursday is gonna be so dope. 1 more win and people start understanding the true talent of this team, can't f****** wait.
  6. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    Interesting post. I hope you're right.

    We will know for sure after Thurday night if this team is for real.
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  7. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    I dont have any question if the team is for real or not. Losing to NE in NE wont tell me they arent. Yes we trounced two teams with losing records, but we also shut down their playmakers...we kept guys like JJ Watt and Adrian Foster in check. So its not like we didnt have any good competition.
    gunn34 and KeyFin like this.
  8. JJ_79

    JJ_79 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I wanted to write up something similar, but you wrote first.:up: I actually wanted to write it after the Pats game, but the last 2 games changed everything. Like I wrote in the game day threads, I really think something special fell in to our laps with Dan Campbell. I think schemes are important but it's more important to motivate your guys and get them to play for you and I think Dan is that kind of coach. In the NFL all teams have talent but I think will beats talent on most days, especially in a league were the level of competition is this close.
    EverFin and KeyFin like this.
  9. SuhMe

    SuhMe Banned

    Mar 13, 2015
    I already know. I've been watching us and Suh too closely for years now. By signing him, we now have the perfect storm of talent on our defensive line. Koa Misi gets s*** on by a lot of Dolfans because he has missed time in the past, but he is solid and so is Jelani (Sheppard not a bad find either). Reshad is having a true breakout year, and Grimes is Grimes. We have a better defense than NE, and our offensive weapons are superior as well. They obviously have the notch when it comes to football IQ and experience, but talent wise we are a better football team than them and now we have a real coach.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  10. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Unfortunately, Brady makes up for a lot of deficiencies. If they can get to him early and often, the phins will be just fine. If the pass rush lags, he can still tear us apart.
    number21 and SuhMe like this.
  11. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    If we win on Thursday, I'm on board. If we lose, I still need to see how we respond after the loss for the next game or two. If he can keep players motivated after a loss, then I'll be on board.

    Either way, I wouldn't be too confident about Thursday. The Patriots are playing VERY well right now and deserve to be 6-0 (unless evidence of yet another innovative method of cheating comes up). Should be a great game either way!
  12. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    While I will agree with most of what you stated. The fact is that Watts is a DE and not a DT. So comparing Suh and Watts doesn't make much sense because they don't play the same position.

    Also, Watts certainly didn't look like the weather in Miami affected him much in the second half yesterday, when it appeared he spent much of that half in the Dolphins backfield.
  13. Linus

    Linus Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    I don't think you go into NE and come up with some scheme to mitigate this or that. I think you go into NE with more intensity than they've showed the last two games and you get Brady in his shell throwing one hoppers down the field. You can't go in there expecting to lose before the game starts (which I think most teams outside the division do). Campbell should remind them all week that they haven't done anything yet, this can't be the same Dolphins team that has a big win then a major letdown. I'd have videos playing all week of TV heads who laugh about the Dolphins when they start talking about them, or talk about the NE game like it is already in the bag.

    We have a top 2 DT in the game, THE top edge rusher (IMO) 2 elite players in the secondary, one of which makes plays that set the tone for the rest of the game (Jones did the same on the 4th down stop against the Chargers last year). Gotta knock these guys around and go in thinking that almost every play will be a pick play. I know some people here don't want to talk about it, but boy do I wish DC was the head coach before Dion Jordan basically threw his career away.

    Then on offense we have a rotation with G. Jennings and Devante Parker as the 4th and 5th options. Wow. Lamar Miller running hard with linemen 45 yards down the field. R. Matthews is a legitimate #1 type receiver IMO (rafael has been saying that since draft day) and I would do whatever to re-sign him and Miller right now. Bye bye Vernon. We can afford Matthews as the other 3 top guys will all be on rookie contracts with additional years left on their contracts. Build the team around giving Tannehill time and watch out. Lethal short game and now he's hitting 40 yarders in the air two straight weeks "Happy Learned how to putt.....uh-ohhhh"
    Pandarilla likes this.
  14. PhinsMondayNitro

    PhinsMondayNitro Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
    I hope so! So all the media outlets have to talk about the Dolphins. I'm fed up with ESPN ignoring us. F**k them
  15. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Pats are playing well, but the numbers don't make me too scared.

    vs NYJ(4-2) 30-23
    @ IND(3-4) 34-27
    @ Dal (2-4) 30-6 (no romo, no dez)
    vs Jax (2-5) 51-17
    @ Buf (3-4) 40-32
    vs Pitt (4-3) 28-21

    2 blow outs, 4 victories by one score. And only 2 of their opponents have a winning record.

    I am thinking, when on like they have been for 2 weeks, Miami has a better defense than any of those 6. Phins can win this game, but they have to match NE's will and intensity.
  16. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    You have a decidedly worse defense. That's not even up for debate. By every measure (raw stats, DVOA, etc) your defense is inferior. Even during your last two wins, you gave up an average of 18 points to teams that anyone with a good defense would have held to an average of 14 or less. No need to comment on your "better weapons" remark, because you know, I know, everyone on this forum knows, it's nonsense.
  17. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    The only team with a winning record you played, you lost to.

    Miami does not have a better defense than the Jets. Only in the mind of a fool is that the case.
  18. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    We certainly have the talent to win the game, and if as you say we match their will and intensity, there's no reason why we can't win. However.. NE under Brady and Belichick have been masters at designing and executing that necessary play/drive at the end to win close games. So don't let the final scores deceive too much. We win and it will be a MAJOR accomplishment the way they've been playing.
  19. ExplosionsInDaSky

    ExplosionsInDaSky Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    ^Troll life yo
    Agua likes this.
  20. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    So you do realize, since the coaching change, Miami gave up 10 to Tennessee (under 14), and gave up 26 to Houston after our starters were out because we were up 41-0.

    As far as weapons. I would say Gronk is far and away better than any TE on Miami's roster. Edelman and Amendola are decent WR's, they do their jobs. Obviously Brady is the orchestrator there though. He makes any WR look good, is what I am getting at. I would say pure talent that Landry is a better WR than those two. Matthews is developing into a stud as well. RB I don't think its a question. Lamar Miller is flat out a more explosive running back than Blount. Blount is a good back, don't get me wrong, just doesn't have the quicks that Miller does. Brady is better than Tannehill. He should be. He is a multi SB winning QB.

    All comes down to if our Defense can make brady uncomfortable, that has always been the recipe for beating NE.
  21. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    Hard to say. Our defense has only been healthy the last two games. To say we gave up more than 14 points to the Texans is an indictment is borderline ******ed. We could have put up a zero but we were up by 40 points. We just ran out the clock the last thirty minutes and rested our players

    But congrats one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read
    PhinFan1968 and Brasfin like this.
  22. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    The stats don't take into consideration the fact we had a coach (Philbin) who couldn't motivate his players or get them to believe in what he was doing for the first 4 games. They also don't take into consideration we had such a commanding lead in our most recent game after the 1st half that we had the luxury of taking it easy, especially given the need to rest key starters before a Thursday night game.

    If our defense plays up to what we think is its talent level, yes our defense is better than NE's and at least as good as the Jets. But we're all fools for believing that.
  23. Finatik

    Finatik Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    May 2, 2014
    SO Cal
    The Jets pass rush was getting to Brady. He REALLY doesn't like to get hit. NO QB's do but he is really affected. He was throwing much earlier and off target in that game. The Jets missed a golden opportunity. Gronk is a match up nightmare for any team but we REALLY don't have anyone who can cover his size. IF the corners continue to play 6 - 8 yards deep on receivers, then Brady will dink and dunk us to death. Push up the middle is the key. Let's see how their injury depleted O line and rookie Center handles Suh and the guys on the outside. The Jets have a very good defense and got some push in the 1st half, but after that Brady figured it out.
  24. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Different coach, different team. Pre bye week is not the same team that is playing now.
  25. Limbo

    Limbo Mad Stillz

    Mar 21, 2013
    I just wish this weren't a road game on a Thursday. People are going to want to use this as a measuring stick for us...but Thursday nighters should never be used to get a clear read on anybody. I'd like our chances much better on a regular week, but oh well.
  26. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Gotta love Suh getting things going the past two games. Didnt like that contract but we are stuck with him and we have to make it work. Philbin didnt make it work, Dan definitely did get him to work and now we got a mean nasty NT going for Brady's hesd this Thursday.

    Two sacks... Bet he reaches 12 by the end of the season with the way we are attacking the offensive line.
  27. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    Tennessee in the game prior to the Miami one scored 13 points. In their game this week, they scored 7 points against Atlanta. This is clearly a team that is trending downward. I suppose Atlanta has a better defense than the Jets because they held the powerhouse Titans to just 7 points.

    Lewis has been more involved in our offense than Blount this year. Up until he got hurt, he was up there in total yards from scrimmage. He's also the most elusive back in the league.

    Bills had a top tier Dline and they failed to make him uncomfortable. Dallas, after Hardy's and McClain's return, did manage to make Brady uncomfortable in the 1st half with 5 sacks, but we still put up 30 points. The Jets made Brady uncomfortable in the first half, but still failed to prevent Brady from putting up 14 4th quarter points and 30 points overall.

    Also, it's worth noting that Suh never plays well against us.
  28. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013

    Hey I was just arguing your point about holding these teams to "under 14pts"

    As far as RB, one of them has 45 more yards and 2 more TD's. I will give you a hint. Its not Dion Lewis. Point still stands though, Lewis with 201 yds, 2 tds doesn't match Miller with 419yds, 2tds. Given the new staff has tapped into his potential it isn't surprising that those 2 TD's and 288 of those yds came in the last two games.

    Its also worth noting that Suh hasn't had Cam Wake playing next to him against the Pats before.
  29. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    That's cool. If we're removing garbage time points, then we're averaging 13 points per game allowed. Which would put us 1st in the league.
  30. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013

    23 to NYJ
    27 to IND
    32 to BUF
    21 to Pitt

    Any game that finishes within 1 score is NOT garbage time.

    But hey for argument sake, I would take off a field goal from dallas and 14 from Jax, so that would be 18pts/game.

    Since the new coach and new D coord, Miami is allowing 18pts/game, but if we "remove garbage time" its 5.
    Brasfin likes this.
  31. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    I wasn't comparing Lewis to Miller. He's your best player on offense by far. Lewis is probably our #3 weapon when healthy. I was pointing out that Lewis has created mismatches and has come up with big plays for us this season. He's been an upgrade over Vereen.

    Suh has had good players along side him in Detroit. Their Dline was regarded among the very best last year. We've played some very elite Dlines this season and their pass rush was negated by Brady getting the ball out in under 2 seconds. That won't be any different this time around.
  32. TB4XSBC

    TB4XSBC Banned

    Oct 26, 2015
    Steelers scored their final TD with about 8 seconds left. Garbage time.

    Indy scored their final TD with about a minute left and would have needed a miracle onside kick recovery to tie it up.

    Jets scored a FG with about 30 seconds left, down by 10.

    Prior to yesterday's game, 40 of the 103 points allowed were given up when we passed 99% win probability.
  33. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    People are surprised that Tennessee looks worse offensively without Mariota?

    Pound sand, troll.
    number21 likes this.
  34. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    $10 says this guy doesn't know who Steve Grogan is.
  35. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    JJ Watt moves up and down the line as they see fit and he's not always static like we use Wake....which why I said DT. That really wasn't the point though; whatever we want to call him, he's very good at what he does and we shut his butt down.
    jw3102 likes this.
  36. seekerone

    seekerone Member

    Sep 19, 2015
  37. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    They're playing their collective arses off right now, but they're not going undefeated the rest of the way.
  38. SuhMe

    SuhMe Banned

    Mar 13, 2015
    You're a tool, but not just a tool also an ignorant tool. On Friday, you will still be a tool, but a faaaaar more educated one :lol:
    P h i N s A N i T y likes this.
  39. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    First part of your sentence is all that matters. What more can you ask than for players to do their best.
    resnor likes this.
  40. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    I'm happy man. Haven't been this content in a looooooong time when it comes to the affairs of my beloved Fins. Everything I have been clamoring for has happened ..... most importantly getting back to a balanced offensive attack. Look at the improved play of everyone on that side of the ball because of it.
    cbrad likes this.

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