Damn man I miss him
Yeah, we'll all miss him, a lot. It's kind of fitting he gets to play for his childhood favorite team and challenge for a championship though. I can't stand the Cowpies but I'll be supporting them a little because of Zach Thomas. Just a shame to realize we wasted more HOF talent. First the Marino era and then the Zach Thomas/JT defense era. Damn shame.
I can't stand looking at Zach in a Cowboys jersey. It's going to be very strange not hearing Zach Thomas or Jason Taylors name associated with the Dolphins this year.
Yeh....I agree, my biggest thing is I shy'd away from the phins for awhile after Marino left because I didnt have that "Hero" persona on the team.....I kind of see that happening now as well, minus the me shying away.
I went to the Cowboys training camp out in Oxnard last week, it was very odd to see him in a Cowboys uni. I was hoping I could get an autograph, but it didnt happen.