UCF FINatic's Weight Loss Diary

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by UCF FINatic, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Ah OK. Just saw the front page. Was wondering what was going on. Protein totals are really hitting the ****ter huh? lol. Try and keep em up.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  2. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Yea, if I don't eat chicken breast for dinner its almost impossible for me to get the 150g. I am having chicken breast for dinner tonight though, so I should be good in that regards. Surprisingly, its actually been harder eating that much protein than it has been eating less calories. Occasionally, I will get to the end of the day and look at my totals and then have like 112g of protein and 1500 calories and its hard finding something with a ton of protein and very little calories. Maybe I should just drink a protein shake at the end of the day if I am in this situation again; I just wasn't sure if this was healthy. Also the myfitnesspal app keeps throwing me off because it says I only need 55g of protein, so I guess psychologically I am unintentionally challenging/questioning the fact that I need "that" much protein. I am assuming that much protein is required to keep me from losing muscle instead of fat? Can you recommend a lower limit to the protein? Like under no circumstance should I be under X grams of protein for the day?

  3. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Up your calories for a 40 mile bike ride day... you'll need the extra energy... I've went on 40-55 mile bike treks in the past and they take its toll on you if you aren't used to that long of a distance.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  4. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I did some research on that yesterday. If you are going to drink a protien shake at the evening, drink Casein Protien. Even some places recommend it.

    Here is some information on that.

  5. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    You can change your macros yourself at the mfp website. Go under goals and custom to fix the %'s.

    At this point, you're heavy enough/high bf% that protein totals aren't going to really **** you up with muscle loss or anything. But at some point, your body fat will dip into the range (20-24%)
    where hitting that goal is important.

    I'd say 130 might be your lower limit... More protein is always for the best (satiety and body composition) when cutting. Don't be afraid to drink a protein shake. There's nothing unhealthy about it. It's just calories and nutrients. Just don't go make shakes your primary source of protein, you'll find yourself hungry quickly.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  6. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Quick question: If I cook chicken breast in Extra Virgin Olive Oil how would I account for that on my daily diet. Do I just count it as a full serving of olive oil even though I am technically not eating it directly; just the remaining oil on the chicken? Same thing with marinades. Just want to make sure I am not accounting for certain calories that I should be.
  7. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Count it in full. You'll never overeat calories that way.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  8. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Alright thanks! That what I ended up doing. What do you cook your chicken in/with in order to "save" calories? I burned 130 on the olive oil.
  9. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I just bake it in the oven... 350 for 35 minutes.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  10. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    It won't stick to the baking sheet or anything? I'll have to try that, I've always cooked chicken on the stove top lol.
  11. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Another thing to note. Randomly yesterday and today I got a sweet taste in my mouth. I have heard this is a sign of ketosis, but is there anything that I need to be worried about?
  12. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Keto begins when your body has 100g carbs or less per day over a period of time(glycogen depletion). If you're above this number, you're alright.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  13. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    If/when you do reach ketosis I'd recommend taking a strong anti oxidant supplement as your body will be releasing free radicals like mad at that point.

    Think Vitamin B/E/C and milk thistle, preferably in liquid form, it is very bitter but is the most effective liver detox agent one can take w/o a prescription. In fact a German pharma company has a liver drug based on milk thistle.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  14. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Just did this tonight, soooo good!!! I kept the lid from Chipotle and then put the chicken and marinade in it and wrapped the top with aluminum foil. Definitely doing this again as it is very easy and makes clean up super fast.
  15. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Take lots of pictures of you eating chipotle, save your old pants, and get a sponsorship deal out of it like Jared from subway lol.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  16. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Weight Lost in Week 1: 2 pounds
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 214

    Week 1 Totals:
    Calories: 11936
    Protein: 1001g
    Fat: 382g
    Carbs: 1191g

    Week 1 Daily Averages:
    Calories: 1705
    Protein: 143g
    Fat: 54.6g
    Carbs: 170g

    Week 1 Exercise Totals:
    Miles Bicycling: 19.2 miles plus a 3 hour bike ride
    Jumping Jacks: 3600
    Push Ups: 420
    Abs Workouts: 32 minutes

    Overall, I was a bit disappointed with only losing 2 pounds this week. I have been working my *** off and have kept my calories very low every day. I don't know what else I can do. The funny thing is I notice a pretty big difference in the mirror. Before I weighted in today I thought for sure it was going to say I lost 3 to 4 pounds. I guess there is a chance that I put on more muscle mass, while losing fat weight (which I would be okay with). If anyone has any thoughts on these results; ie if I need to change something in my diet or workout or just to stick with it feel free to let me know. Again, I would like to take time to really thank Clark Kent, Padre, GIK, Dol-Fan Dupree, Boik14, MonstBlitz, Stringer Bell, Fin-Omenal, lmeister3, and everyone that has helped me out via advice, suggestions, motivation, etc. I couldn't do it without you all.

    1 Cup Soy Milk
    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    2 slices of Publix Medium Cheddar Cheese
    Spicy Buffalo Wheat Thins
    Publix Chili Lime Hummus
    Publix Chicken Breast
    Diet Mountain Dew
    Teriyaki marinade
    Birds Eye Steamfresh Super Sweet Corn
    Starkist Tuna Salad
    Light Italian Salad Dressing
    Greek Style Lowfat Yogurt
    Day 8 Totals:
    Calories - 1610
    Protein - 135g
    Fat - 70g
    Carbs - 124g
    Notes: I am going to take today off from exercising. I did a lot yesterday and want to let my body heal before tomorrow, when I will hit it hard again.

    1 Cup Soy Milk
    2 Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    2 slices of Publix Medium Cheddar Cheese
    2 slices of Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread
    Publix Smoked Honey Turkey
    Starkist Tuna Salad
    Publix Chicken Breast
    Jumping Jacks: 1250
    Push-ups: 100
    Push-ups on knees: 100
    Baby Burpees: 10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO5Uw_3Tb6Y&feature=channel. I know that isn't much, but my legs were done by the time I tried them out. I will do more tomorrow, but just wanted to at least try them today.)
    Squats: 50
    8 minute abs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNqrkGnkUWc)

    Day 9 Totals:
    Calories - 1650
    Protein - 163g
    Fat - 57g
    Carbs - 144g
    Notes: I pushed myself hard today.

    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread with One slice of Publix Medium Cheddar cheese and 2 oz of Publix smoked turkey
    Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl
    Greek Style Lowfat Yogurt
    Jumping Jacks: 500
    Push-ups: 70
    Push-ups on knees: 100
    Baby Burpees: 50 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO5Uw_3Tb6Y&feature=channel)
    Squats: 100
    8 minute abs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNqrkGnkUWc)

    Day 10 Totals:
    Calories - 1665
    Protein - 131g
    Fat - 64g
    Carbs - 171g
    Notes: I tried to do more exercises than just push ups and jumping jacks.

    Cabot Vanilla Greek Yogurt
    Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread with One slice of Publix Medium Cheddar cheese and 2 oz of Publix smoked turkey
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Chicken Breast Marinaded in Italian Dressing
    1 slice Publix Medium Cheddar Cheese
    2 Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    1 Cup Soy Milk
    Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla
    4.8 Mile Bicycle ride
    Jumping Jacks: 500
    Push-ups: 50
    Push-ups on knees: 100
    Baby Burpees: 50
    Squats: 100
    8 minute abs
    8 minute arms

    Day 11 Totals:
    Calories - 1560
    Protein - 158g
    Fat - 57g
    Carbs - 129g
    Notes: Burpees are such a pain in the ***. I do sets of 10 of them and feel gassed when I get to like 8 or 9. I am trying to build up my endurance to do 100 burpees, but it might take a while. The 8 minute arms didn't seem nearly as effective as the 8 minute abs, when I go home this weekend I am going to try to find my weights to use during that video. The diet, or food part, has become easier and easier to maintain. I am still having a hard time keeping the carbs down, but am doing a decent job in my own estimation.

    Cabot Vanilla Greek Yogurt
    Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread with One slice of Publix Medium Cheddar cheese and 2 oz of Publix smoked turkey
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Chicken Breast Marinaded in Teriyaki Dressing
    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Salad dressed with Ken's Steakhouse Lite Asian Sesame
    4.8 Mile Bicycle ride
    Jumping Jacks: 550
    Push-ups: 60
    Push-ups on knees: 110
    Baby Burpees: 60
    Squats: 110
    8 minute abs
    8 minute arms

    Day 12 Totals:
    Calories - 1235
    Protein - 119g
    Fat - 42g
    Carbs - 113g
    Notes: Yesterdays workout sucked, so I figured I would make it suck even worse by adding another set of everything (except the 8 minute videos). I have a feeling next week I will try to do the 8 minute videos twice. I am still not that big of a fan of the 8 minute arms, mostly because I don't have weights to make the workouts harder on myself.

    1 Cup Silk Soy Milk
    Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread with Peanut Butter and Jelly
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Publix slice of Medium Cheddar Cheese
    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Publix Chili Lime Hummus
    4rivers BBQ (Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, French Fries, Fried Okra)
    Hanky Panky

    Day 13 Totals:
    Calories - 980 (minus 4rivers)
    Protein - 63g (minus 4rivers)
    Fat - 59g (minus 4rivers)
    Carbs - 70g (minus 4rivers)
    Notes: It was nice eating real food for once, but I got filled up a lot faster than usual since I have gotten used to eating smaller meals.

    Leftover 4rivers Barbeque (Pulled pork, french fries, and baked beans)
    Kyoto Chicken Teriyaki Bento Box
    Hanky Panky

    Day 14 Totals:
    Calories - ???
    Protein - ???
    Fat - ???
    Carbs - ???
    Notes: I was stuffed beyond belief after eating at Kyoto. I felt sick to my stomach, funny thing is I used to relish the overly full feeling. After eating there I didn't feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began to miss my usual diet today.
    Boik14 likes this.
  17. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    My thoughts? Perfect... I have your maintenance at roughly (as I said, they're all estimates and trial and error with consistency is the only way to find out the exact number) 2800 kcal. You're eating about 1000 calorie deficit (looks like 1700 or so for the week). Roughly 3500 cals = 1lb of fat. 2lbs is looking about right. Remember, fat loss isn't necessarily linear too. I've lost 1.5lbs one week and 4 the next and 2 the following (on my official weigh in day). Stick to your numbers and exercise routine and KNOW and understand it's working. Weight shifts because of fat loss, water, glycogen, etc... If you can, try to get two weigh ins on back to back days. Might be best.

    Before I get to my next point, I just want to say, be patient. The metaphor for the story of the tortoise and the hare applies to fat loss significantly. As I mentioned in my other thread, one of the biggest reasons people fail at their long term weight goals is because they do dumb **** without understanding/caring about the consequences. They try to lose all their fat as soon as possible and it's simply not sustainable from a hormonal standpoint. Hormones > Willpower all day, every day, every way. Slow and steady is smarter in the long run.

    That being said, you've noted in your logs that the 1600-1700 calorie range didn't seem so bad. Let's knock down the calories there and make that you're new maximum. 1700kcal.

    1,700 calories
    150p = 600kcal
    60f = 540kcal
    140c = 560kcal

    Do your exercises, hit your macros and calories to the best of your ability, and continue onward with success.
    Boik14 and UCF FINatic like this.
  18. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Good keeping up with that UCF, but keep in mind protein is digested slowly and requires a lot of water to process.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  19. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    I do know its working and I already feel a better about myself and how I look. I plan to stick this out. My goal is to get to the 170 or 165 range, no matter how long it takes me to get there. The biggest surprise to me was looking at my body in the mirror, I don't look nearly as fat as I used to just one week ago. Just by looking in the mirror you would "think" I lost about 4 pounds, that's why I was so surprised I guess. All in all, I lost weight and feel better about myself so I am happy. Like you always say, "Eating Right (Calorie Deficit) + Time = Weight Loss."

    I guess the advantages to weighing in on back to back days is to get a more accurate indication of your "true" weight? Not sure, I will be able to make it to the store today, but I will try to plan for this in the future. I know Padre also suggested weighing myself more than just once per week, so maybe I will weight myself bi-weekly. Once on Sunday and again on Wednesday afternoon.

    I can do that easily, especially considering last week I averaged just 1705 calories per day. One thing I will probably have to do in order to adjust to the new macros and calories is have two protein shakes a day. They are good on two accounts; they have very few calories and a lot of protein. I will most likely have one protein shake in the mornings around 8:30 AM and the other one around 7:00 PM. That being said, I am going to have the hardest time cutting my carbs down to 140g. There were days I would be over the 200g mark in carbs last week and I ended up averaging about 170g of carbs per day. Bye, Bye Clif Bars and their 41g of carbs lol.

    One question I do have is, are there limits to my macros? Like what is the bare minimum I should get for each macro and what is the absolute most that I should have? I just am asking this because sometimes I go a little over certain macro "limits" and I feel bad with myself, like I have failed or something. Here is what I do know (underlined = what I know, italicized = unknown):

    Calories: Hard limit at 1,700

    Lower Limit: 130g ----- Optimum Amount: 150g ----- Upper Limit: NONE (More protein is never bad)

    Lower Limit: ???? ----- Optimum Amount: 60g ----- Upper Limit: ????

    Lower Limit: ???? ----- Optimum Amount: 140g ----- Upper Limit: ????

    Thank you so much for your help!! I am ready for this marathon!! If I keep losing 2 pounds per week its only going to take me 22 more weeks to reach my target weight!
  20. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    You can shuffle carbs and fats occasionally. It's not too big of a deal. Just don't go one week+ straight eating 20g of fat, you know?
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  21. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Two things I would add...
    1. Stick to what Clark Kent said about "slow and steady". Just like being overweight isnt healthy, altering your body drastically by losing weight at too fast a clip is almost as harmful. Think of your body as a controlled environment and now youre changing all the surroundings, except in this case your changing the calorie expectancy of your body, changing how your body thinks (in terms of when its hungry) and feels after eating (portion wise).
    2. Muscle weight more then fat. I believe the number was 3x more then fat to be specific. So if youre working out regularly now some of that body fat is being converted to muscle as well. The more muscle you pack on, the less likely you are to actually drop a big chunk of weight at once...and by big chunk I mean 3 or more lbs in a week is considered a lot. So stick with it knowing that the realization is this is probably going to knock you down 1-2lbs a week on average. It takes time.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  22. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    I forgot one thing....as a fellow lover of Chipotle stick to:
    Bowl (not burrito) with Chicken (double meat..according to their website its 6G Fat per serving), lettuce, brown rice (yes they do serve this)...no sour cream/guacamole or chips.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  23. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Alright, if anything I am concerned about going over my macros. I am usually spot on with my protein and calories, but sometimes I eat something and then look at my macros and am like "crap, I already have 70g of fat." lol
  24. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    I always get the burrito bowl, chicken, white rice, black beans, corn salsa, tomato salsa, hot salsa, cheese, sour cream, and lettuce.

    I looked into the brown rice but I found the differences aren't that significant:
    White Rice:
    130 calories
    3g fat
    23g carbs
    2g protein

    Brown Rice:
    120 calories
    3g fat
    23g carbs
    3g protein

    So essentially the difference is 10 calories and 1g of protein.
    Boik14 likes this.
  25. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Had chipotle today for the first time. We actually have one (no idea) and since I was near the area, went over an ate... Had a burrito, barbacoa (SP?) with extra meat, pinto beans, veggies, sour cream, cheese, and spicy salsa.

    Sooo good. I can't believe how much I loved it. If we had one near by, I'd eat their everyday too UFC. Wish I had ordered another for later. Amazing.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  26. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Update 2
    Total Weight Loss: -1.5 pounds
    Weight Lost in Week 2: +0.5 pounds (Ughhhhhhhhh, so pissed)
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 214.5

    Week 2 Totals:
    Calories: 8700 (minus 4rivers meal and Saturday's meals)
    Protein: 769g (minus 4rivers meal and Saturday's meals)
    Fat: 349g (minus 4rivers meal and Saturday's meals)
    Carbs: 751g (minus 4rivers meal and Saturday's meals)

    Week 2 Daily Averages:
    Calories: 1450 (minus 4rivers and divided out by 6 days instead of 7 since I couldn't count calories on Saturday)
    Protein: 128g (minus 4rivers and divided out by 6 days instead of 7 since I couldn't count calories on Saturday)
    Fat: 58g (minus 4rivers and divided out by 6 days instead of 7 since I couldn't count calories on Saturday)
    Carbs: 125g (minus 4rivers and divided out by 6 days instead of 7 since I couldn't count calories on Saturday)

    Week 2 Exercise Totals:
    Miles Bicycling: 9.6 miles
    Jumping Jacks: 2800
    Push Ups: 280
    Push Ups on Knees: 410
    Burpees: 170
    Squats: 360
    Abs Workouts: 32 minutes
    Arms Workouts: 16 minutes

    Can't believe I gained weight after how much I restricted my diet and worked out over the past week. I must have done some real damage over the weekend. I hope that I just have some residual weight on me from the Italian buffet I went to on Sunday.

    Maggiano's All You Can Eat Buffet

    Day 15 Totals:
    Calories - ???
    Protein - ???
    Fat - ???
    Carbs - ???
    Notes: I ate an *** ton of food. I felt obligated too since it was like $31 a head. This is were I probably where I put on all the weight.

    2 Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Clif Bar - Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch
    Starkist Tuna Salad
    Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl
    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds

    Day 16 Totals:
    Calories - 1595
    Protein - 138g
    Fat - 62g
    Carbs - 142g
    Notes: I felt horrible the whole day. The previous night I drove from Orlando to Gainesville, through the hurricane or tropical storm, and didn't make it up here until past 1:00 AM. I had to unpack and didn't get to sleep until 3:00 AM. Waking up at 7:00 AM and work took its toll on me. I had no will power to workout at all.

    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Provolone, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Wheat Thins - Spicy Buffalo
    Publix Chili Lime Hummus
    Hormel Compleats Chicken Breast and Mash Potatoes
    Italian Dressing

    Day 17 Totals:
    Calories - 1645
    Protein - 88g
    Fat - 70g
    Carbs - 185g
    Notes: I felt horrible today. I felt nauseous, weak, and incredibly tired. Again, I didn't sleep well the previous night. I did horribly on my protein, but I felt so bad that I didn't really care. It felt like I was getting sick. I stayed in bed pretty much all day just dozing off and relaxing.

    Cabot Greek Yogurt - Vanilla
    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    1 cup Milk
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack Cheese, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Ground Chicken
    Light Italian Dressing
    Publix Apple Pie Yogurt
    Jumping Jacks - 500
    Push Ups - 50
    Push Ups on Knees - 100
    Squats - 100
    Burpees - 50
    4.8 Mile Bike Ride
    8 Minute Abs
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 18 Totals:
    Calories - 1635
    Protein - 135g
    Fat - 63g
    Carbs - 150g
    Notes: I still didn't feel great today, but I forced myself to workout. While working out I got pretty lightheaded, nauseous, and again felt incredibly weak. I thought I was going to puke at one point. I had to take a break for a while before continuing my workout. I wonder what is wrong with me. Still I feel a little bit better than I did the other day.

    Cabot Greek Yogurt - Vanilla
    Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Provolone, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    1/2 Clif Bar - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
    1 Cup Milk
    2 slices Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread
    Ground Chicken Cooked like Hamburger
    Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce
    Bush's Bold and Spicy Baked Beans
    4.8 Mile Bike Ride

    Day 19 Totals:
    Calories - 1640
    Protein - 132g
    Fat - 39g
    Carbs - 212g (yikes)
    Notes: Felt a bit better today although I did skip my multivitamin. Didn't feel nauseous, but still didn't feel as energetic as I usually do. My girlfriend came into town so I held off exercising for the day. I am going to hit it hard tomorrow though.

    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
    1 Cup Milk
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Bush's Bold and Spicy Baked Beans
    Perdue Chicken Breast
    Light Italian Dressing
    Jello Dulce De Leche Pudding
    Burpees - 60
    Jumping Jacks - 500
    Push Ups - 60
    Squats - 100
    Push Up on Knees - 100
    8 Minute Abs
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 20 Totals:
    Calories - 1530
    Protein - 131g
    Fat - 46g
    Carbs - 173g
    Notes: Great day all around. I powered through my workout and felt great! I was full throughout the day and found a nice dessert to end the day on. The Dulce De Leche pudding only has 60 calories and is pretty satisfying if you have a sweet tooth.

    3 slices of Deep Dish Pizza

    Day 21 Totals:
    Calories - ???
    Protein - ???g
    Fat - ???g
    Carbs - ???g
    Notes: Today was my cheat day. I wouldn't have caved by myself, but my girlfriend came up and I seem to get a wee bit lazy around her lol. Also there was this pizza place up here called Satchel's that everyone and their mother kept telling me about. I waited until my gf came to town and splurged. I know deep dish is worse than normal pizza, but this was the one item everyone kept telling me to try. It did hit to spot, but I am sure it also hit my gut too. I knew we were going to eat "crappy" today to a practically starved myself all day in order to save some calories for the pizza. Hopefully this doesn't mess up my diet too much.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
  27. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Don't stress. Fatloss isn't linear. It doesn't happen in 24 hour cycles.

    1. Yes, you probably are carrying extra weight in the form of muscle glycogen and water (for every gram of MG, 4g (or more) of water are stored within the muscle. Not a big deal. It's not true fat loss one way or the other. You probably are saturated with both and I imagine isn't totally digested after one day.

    2. Resistance training (unless crossfit or something similar) burns few calories. RT is to improve upon LBM. It's the cardio that burns real calories. 9miles on a bike isn't that much cardio.

    MWF - Do your body resistance work.
    MWF - Bike hard for one hour
    TT - Walk at a moderate pace for one hour, don't be too strenuous.
    S-S - Do nothing. Let yourself rest and recuperate.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  28. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    CK is quite correct, body weight will swing around a bit, and this is why the weigh yourself every day recommendation was made.

    I've literally "gained" 4 pds overnight at times just from retaining water and food being digested.

    But 4 pds=3000 calories per pd=12,000 calories in a single day?

    Even a weekend beer blowout would not profer 12,000 additional calories.

    CKent is also correct, 9 miles is not enough, for example I ride 90 miles or more per week up and down mtns.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  29. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Thanks guys! Honestly, if I could have it my way I would ride my bike to and from work everyday and do that 40 mile bike trail every Saturday. That being said, last week I couldn't ride my bike on three weekdays and on Saturday due to a video being shot a work (I get sweaty easily) and working a Publix. This week, I don't know if I will be able to ride my bike to and from work at all since it looks like it is going to pour everyday.

    I already got my diet back in order and actually feel better again. My recent diet has really benefited my body in terms of making me feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically. I didn't work out today because I didn't feel good (barely slept last night, had a bunch of errands to run, etc., etc.), but tomorrow I am going to hit it hard again. I will also weight myself this coming Wednesday, to see if I lose any "extra weight."

    Thanks a lot guys, I couldn't do this without you all.
  30. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Most public transportation buses have bike racks on the front so you could bus in, then ride home.

    And keep in mind, this game rewards consistency over sporadic effort. The caveat to that is you really do have to let your body recover so taking a couple of days off is not a bad idea.
  31. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    UPDATE!! I weighted myself yesterday at Publix and saw these results!

    Total Weight Loss: -4 pounds
    Weight Lost since Monday: -2.5 pounds (I basically lost 2.5 pounds in 4 days, probably had something to do with weight I retained from the Italian Buffet I went to on Sunday)
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 212

    This makes me feel a lot better about myself and my overall progress. The one thing that seems weird to me is I don't feel like I lost any weight and similarly I didn't look like I lost weight in the mirror. Based on looks and the way I felt I would have thought I stayed the same around 214.5 pounds. The diet still has been fine for me. I haven't had any problems keeping my calorie intake below a maximum of 1700 calories. When I feel okay I am good at staying above my 130g protein minimum. Occasionally, I go over how much fat I should have. The biggest problem for me seems to be carbs, I usually go over how much I am supposed to have.

    I have also noticed two things lately:

    1.) I have gotten nauseous a lot recently. I am pretty sure the multivitamin I take is causing this (One-A-Day Men's Pro Edge seen here: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/one-a-day-men%27s-pro-edge-complete-multivitamin/multimineral-supplement-tablets/ID=prod6028865-product). I usually get sick in the mornings about an hour to an hour and a half after I take my multivitamin. I don't really understand why though, I never take it one an empty stomach... I usually take it after eating a banana or a cup of yogurt. The only thing I was thinking is that it has too high a concentration of certain ingredients and when it gets released into my bloodstream the high levels cause my brain to go into a warning stage which causes nausea. Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.

    2.) I am feeling a lot better now, but felt horrible on Monday and Tuesday. Here was my diary from Monday:

    After work I also went to the store to weigh myself and shop. Usually seeing that I gained weight would motivate me, but I just felt overly tired and run down.

    On Tuesday I felt even worse:

    Again, it wasn't that I was lazy I just felt too weak, tired, nauseous, and sick-like to workout. I think staying in bed and relaxing all day was the right call. Still no idea what could have brought this on me. I felt like I was coming down with the flu (I also had body aches, which was weird considering I didn't work out).

    On Wednesday, I got a bit better:

    Just plain strange

    I felt better Thursday and feel great today, just was wondering if anyone had a idea what could have been happening to me earlier on in the week. As always, thank you all so much for the help! I really couldn't do it without you! :knucks:
  32. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    You're not going to notice drastic bodily changes from weight loss until you hit 20% body fat and lower. That's when you really notice **** like your face leaning out, gut going away, etc... When you lose weight, you lose it all over, there is no spot reduction. Just because you might have a big gut (don't know if you do, just in general, most guys gain weight in their torso) doesn't mean that's where all the fat is coming off. For example, when I had a gut, I lost weight in my thighs and legs first and foremost, despite having pretty skinny legs. Kinda annoying tbh, but it's a process.

    When I dropped 30lbs, I swear I didn't notice it in the mirror. Clothes were baggy, inches were coming off all over my body (I track everything: Cals/Macros, lbs lost, inches lost, lifting numbers, etc...) but I didn't notice **** in the mirror. Friends were always saying how skinny I was looking, but I couldn't see that ****. I'm starting to now though. Even so, I've got a ways to go.

    Point being; **** the mirror. It won't tell you anything. Pictures are better. That way you can see progress over time. That's when go "ohhh ****, I did lose some fat here and here and there....)

    Hmmm. You always take it with food? I would suggest you might be getting too much iron from it, but it looks like it doesn't have any. Check your label and let me know. That's somewhat strange. Has this happened since you've started taking them?

    Short answer: That's pretty normal, you're OK.

    Long answer:

    Obviously you're dieting... Which means you've restricted carbs a great deal (less than 200g) - and are exercising like a freak, which is burning up glycogen stores, to help create your caloric deficit. And let's be honest, 200g of carbs or less per day is likely a massive restriction for you. You didn't get to be a big guy by eating tons of protein daily. Maybe more dietary fat than normal, but I'm willing to bet everything, you got fat because your caloric surplus was created by massive carb intake. Around 400-600g (1600-2400 cals coming from just carbs). Pretty easy to do. Most fat people have that in common (I include my former fat self in that statement).

    As a result of lowering your carbs 50%+ (Probably closer to 60-70%) to get a healthy caloric deficit your body is experiencing a huge rise in catecholamine in the blood that you're not used to. Catecholamine refers to adrenal hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, etc...). Those adrenal hormones make you feel good as ****! And you start to get high on your own supply (cats create natural high, runners high, etc...). This is why people who do low carb diets often feel amazing at first. They feel sharp, dedicated, determined, have energy, etc... They say **** like "This is so easy! I could do this forever!" Bottom line, Cat makes you feel gooooood. At first... I'm actually going to be making a thread about intermittent fasting soon and I'll deal more with cats. But here is the quick primer.

    Ever see a fat person regularly using/abusing amphetamines/stimulants (caffeine anyone?)? Coke, adderall, meth, etc...? No, you don't. why? There levels of adrenal hormones are through the ****ing roof. Catecholamine blunts hunger, makes you feel gooood, helps mobilize fat for burning, etc. One negative side effect (there are more, but in terms of body composition) is cortisol is catabolic (eats muscle for energy). Which is another reason low carb diets suck. Remember, weight loss does not equal only fat loss!

    All good things must come to an end. The lower carb you go and the more prolonged the diet is, catecholamine becomes an obstacle and hindrance rather than a help. Those good feeling adrenal hormones (epi an nor)? They've lost the potency to give you a natural high (addiction tolerance). You start to feel terrible too, because of prolonged high cortisol. Cortisol gets a bad rap, as it does many good things. Think of cortisol like Rey Lewis in his prime. It defends your body like it's the endzone. However, like all hormones, excessive exposure is bad. Eventually, Rey Lewis starts tackling his own team mates. It's one of (if not THE) most powerful hormones in the body.

    It's just like insulin (another powerful hormone). Insulin is a great hormone. Does tons of good **** (bad reputation like cortisol). However, can be dangerous and unhealthy if over exposed in the body. Your body becomes tolerant of insulin due to excessive prolonged carb eating and the body has to produce more and more to handle the same load as before.

    Sooner or later prolonged low carb diets, mixed with good amounts of exercise create big problems like adrenal fatigue (some people call AF B.S. Though, I'm not sure I agree), hypothyroidism, etc... All of which is reversible, FYI... All hormonal imbalances created by diets can be fixed by eating more. I don't want anyone to freak out.

    It's one of the many reasons why I keep insisting low carb diets are dumb. They're not long term sustainable diets. No matter what diet you do, a calorie deficit is affecting hormones in a negative way, either by upregulating or deregulating various hormones. And as I've stated many times before and will do again, hormones will win out. Always. Which is why dieting the smart way (getting sufficient macros) will always be smarter than radical approaches of low fat, low carb, low protein, crazy low calorie, etc... diets.

    Anyway, that's the quick lesson on catecholamine.

    Carbs... Your body had an influx of them, fries, beans, sugary sauces, Italian buffet. Probably a lot more than normal, or at least normal by your new dieting standards. And I bet you filled up your glycogen stores, as I said in my last post. You were carb saturated.

    In all likely hood, you've experienced a rise in catecholamine in your blood from dieting and restricting carbs for the last number of weeks. Which is why dieting doesn't seem so hard now (it does harder as you get leaner and more tolerant to cat) and why slowly removing carbs as you get leaner is the proper way to keep a caloric deficit going. When you overate, you upregulated some hormones and deregulated others. You deregulated catecholamine most likely. Didn't notice it because you probably up regulated a different feel good hormone, serotonion (carbs and serotonin are great pals). Or maybe you did notice it, as you said you felt sick after eating. Although I can't say for certain, the physical and caloric volume of food was probably high.

    After the weekend binge, you went back on your diet Monday. Your diet restricted calories and macros (specifically carbs) without having catecholamine built up in the blood. Since your muscle glycogen (water and glucose) were full, your body didn't need to release catecholamine into the blood. And serotonin output was probably off too because it didn't have insulin to push the seritonin building block amino acid, typtophan, to where it needed to go.

    Odds are, your body isn't very tolerant to those adrenal hormones, most/all fat people are not unless there is an outside force at play. Which is why fat people stay being fat. Eating a caloric surplus with no-little exercise, they lack of motivation, energy, always hungry, etc... Kind of a vicious cycle, especially when compounded with dumb diets. You didn't have the energy to workout because you didn't have the stimulation (good job doing so though, you sped up the process to get back on track). I like to take a caffeine pill (200mg) before I head to the gym (hate coffee). Gives me that little boost, resulting from catecholamines being produced.

    You're perfectly fine, don't worry.

    You're still eating carbs at a healthy carb level (over 120g) so you don't really need to worry or freak out long term. You're dieting responsibly. A quick fluctuation in hormones explains everything, IMO.

    A lot of people experience what you're talking about when they refeed after prolonged dieting/exercising. The introduction of a more calories (usually from carbs) makes them feel weird for the first week/few days. It's recommended that if you're dieting, every 6-12 weeks you take a one-two week diet break and eat at maintenance (12 weeks is OK if you're really big, 6-8 weeks for 20% body fat and under is normal). Usually people de-load (if cutting) when weight training around this time. This helps the body up-regulate everything it's being deprived of and de-regulate everything it's getting in excess (thryoid, hormones, heal completely from exercise, etc...).

    This is one of the reasons why I told Sick, I thought having a cheat day/cheat meal are perfectly fine, as long as they're not insane binges destroying multiple days of progress.

    One thing i will say UFC, is watch out for exercise induced burnout (also increases catecholamine production, leaving the burned out feeling when you come back down). You're doing a lot of cardio and cross fitness (resistance work at a cardio pace). Make sure you're taking some days off to rest. Doing pushups (just as an example of a resistance exercise) for 5 days straight is useless. It will do very little for you after the initial n00b strength gains. Muscles don't repair easy, especially without excess calories to help. Don't be afraid to take a day off. You should have 2 days off at minimum (maybe 3, putting at least one in the middle of the week) to rest up. Even if you don't feel physically stressed the day off, it doesn't matter. It's accumulative, not sporadic.

    This is why a gym membership is so important in the future. Lifting (which burns little calories if done for strength work) is such a help. When you get on a routine, you don't feel the need to go crazy with cardio because you're spent after a real hard workout.

    Just remember the old bodybuilding saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym."

    Good job with weight loss. Keep posting the progress reports!
    bluegrassbubba and UCF FINatic like this.
  33. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    First off, I am so pissed at myself.... I had a long, detailed response and hit submit only to realize I wasn't signed in. Lost everything I wrote ughhhh.

    Good point, I was actually going to ask about what I should do in order to lose weight on my torso. It seems like I am losing weight other places, but not so much in my torso; so you preemptively answered my question about that. I am losing most of my weight so far in my upper body (breast area), lower legs, and neck. The only reason I noticed that I lost weight in my neck was because of the glorious double chin my mother gave to me :pity:

    Yea, I always take it with food (at least a banana or yogurt). I scanned all the ingredients and didn't see iron listed anywhere. I started taking them when I first started this diet like three weeks ago. I got nauseous randomly two weeks ago and again last Tuesday. Recently, I got sick Saturday morning (after eating BBQ the previous night), I didn't get sick Sunday because I didn't take the multivitamin, I got sick Monday (after eating the HUGE Italian meal the previous night). Since then I haven't taken the multivitamin and haven't gotten nauseous. I am wondering if my wacked up hormones could have had a role in why I got nauseous. I am probably going to try it tomorrow and see how I feel.

    You hit the nail on the head. I still have some problems here or there keeping my carbs low, but before I was on this diet I ate a ton of them.

    Great points, that really explains a lot. I really think you should consider writing your own diet book. You have a great way of making subjects easy to understand and relatable. Plus, your strategies obviously work.

    I got to see that first hand. As you said before, "Hormones > Willpower all day, every day, every way. Slow and steady is smarter in the long run." Eating like that on the weekend messed my hormones all up and I could barely get myself to workout. I am a strong-willed guy too.

    Makes a lot of sense. You really explained that well. Recently, I have been exercising as soon as I get home because after riding my bike home from work my heart rate and body is already primed and ready to workout. Plus, it motivates me to just get it done and over with lol.

    I really think I am going to start implementing this. I always feel a lot better when I work out after having the previous day off. It makes me feel more powerful and I am more motivated; I'm sure it makes my form better too. In a perfect world I think this would be my workout schedule:
    Sunday: FREE
    Monday: Cardio and Resistance
    Tuesday: Light Cardio
    Wednesday: Cardio and Resistance
    Thursday: Light Cardio
    Friday: Cadrio and Resistance
    Saturday: 35 mile bike ride

    Only four more weeks until I get that gym membership!! I am really excited for it!

    I have never heard that bodybuilding saying before, but I am assuming it means you get abs from dieting and eating right not necessarily from just working out like crazy. That makes sense considering the fact that some guys are super strong and lift crazy amounts, yet they don't have very good definition.

    Thank you so much for all of your help! I really couldn't do this without your help. If you ever pass through Gainesville or Orlando let me know, I have a 12 pack of beer waiting for you (it can even be low carb/calorie if you want too lol).

    Again, sorry my response seems so out of whack and not that through, but I spent over an hour on all my responses and lost it all due to not being signed in... :pity:
  34. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Hmm, I'm a touch surprised that you have not had a more rapid weight loss especially when you've restricted your calories as much as you have.

    Have you been drinking water UCF? Think a gallon or more day, not those small bottles.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  35. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    I really, really pigged out last weekend and think I messed my diet up pretty bad by eating BBQ, an Asian Bento box, and all you can eat Italian. That could have been a big reason I didn't lose a lot more weight.

    In regards to water, I typically drink 4, maybe 5, 16.9 oz water bottles a day. That's about half a gallon. I've always seen a lot of healthy people walking around with gallon jugs of water so maybe I'll try drinking a lot more. I already feel like I pee a lot so I can only imagine how much I will pee then lol.
  36. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Update 3
    Total Weight Loss: 4 pounds
    Weight Lost in Week 3: 2.5 pounds
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 212

    Week 3 Totals:
    Calories: 8,045 (Only 5 days counted)
    Protein: 624g (Only 5 days counted)
    Fat: 280g (Only 5 days counted)
    Carbs: 862g (Only 5 days counted)

    Week 3 Daily Averages:
    Calories: 1,609 (Only 5 days counted)
    Protein: 125g (Only 5 days counted)
    Fat: 56g (Only 5 days counted)
    Carbs: 172g (Only 5 days counted)

    Week 3 Exercise Totals:
    Miles Bicycling: 9.6 miles
    Jumping Jacks: 1,000
    Push Ups: 110
    Push Ups on Knees: 200
    Burpees: 110
    Squats: 200
    Abs Workouts: 16 minutes
    Arms Workouts: 16 minutes

    I stayed the same weight as I was on Friday, which is a relief considering I had a lot of pan pizza over the weekend. I have experienced most of my weight loss between Mondays and Fridays. I want to get down to 210 or 209 by the next time I weigh in on Sunday. I think I can do that as long as I stay away from a lot of beer. After compiling my workout totals for the week I am actually really happy with how much weight I lost over the week. I hardly worked out at all.

    1 and a half slices deep dish pizza
    Hormel Compleats Chicken Pasta Primavera
    Lite Italian Dressing
    Jello Dulce De Leche
    Burpees - 70
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 70
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    Squats - 110
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 22 Totals:
    Calories - ???
    Protein - ???
    Fat - ???
    Carbs - ???
    Notes: Finished up the pizza with the gf today. The workout today was a lot harder than on Friday. Glad I pushed through it though.

    Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Orange Gatorade
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    Chicken Breast
    Franks Buffalo Sauce
    Light Italian Dressing
    1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast
    1 slice Smoked Povolone cheese
    Chocolate Pudding Sugar Free
    2.4 Mile Bike Ride
    2 hour walk around UF's campus in the blistering midsummer heat
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Abs

    Day 23 Totals:
    Calories - 1566
    Protein - 131
    Fat - 57
    Carbs - 150
    Notes: My girlfriend left today, so its back to my very strict diet. Bike was stolen today, freaking blows. There goes my 4.8 mile bike rides each day :(

    1 Cup Milk
    Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Blue Diamond Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds
    2 Cans of Tuna
    1/2 Cup Greek Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt
    Lean Cuisine Philly-Style Steak & Cheese Panini
    Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Burpees - 70
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 70
    Squats - 110
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    8 minute Abs
    8 minute Arms

    Day 24 Totals:
    Calories - 1625
    Protein - 150
    Fat - 50
    Carbs - 169
    Notes: Again, I wasn't as motivated to workout. I think it had something to do with not riding my bike home. I find starting to workout is the hardest part; once you do that first set it is easy. When I ride my bike home it sort of kick starts my mind to get in the workout mode. On the bright side, my parents are passing through Gainesville tomorrow and are probably going to give me my father's bike. I am really excited for that! Another little trick I have found is when you are working out lie to yourself. Tell yourself you are only going to do 60 burpees, then when you finish 60 make yourself do one more set to get to 70. It works like a charm mostly because you know that you will be done after that next set, plus you will feel better about yourself.

    1 Cup Milk
    1.75 servings of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Wheat Thins - Spicy Buffalo
    1 Can of Tuna
    Lite Asian Sesame Dressing
    2 McDoubles
    Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    8 minute Abs
    8 minute Arms

    Day 25 Totals:
    Calories - 1655
    Protein - 132g
    Fat - 59g
    Carbs - 165g
    Notes: Yes, I am on a diet and yes I had McDonald's for dinner lol. Feel free to judge away. A calorie is a calorie and if you can fit the calories into your limits go for it! Thanks for helping me think like this Clark Kent!! That being said, I did make some compromises today. I wanted Taco Bell, but after looking at their nutritional value they suck (high calories, high carbs, low protein). Also I went and bought beer, the 55 calorie Bud Light crap and then when I finally wanted to have one I didn't have enough calories for it. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. Happy Fourth of July everyone!!

    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
    Moe's Catered Lunch (I counted this as a Homewrecker, but I didn't use a tortilla)
    1 servings of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Perdue Skinless Thin-Sliced Chicken
    Budweiser Select 55
    Curly's BBQ Pulled Chicken
    Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Burpees - 70
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 70
    Squats - 110
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    8 minute Abs
    8 minute Arms

    Day 26 Totals:
    Calories - 1611
    Protein - 140g
    Fat - 65g
    Carbs - 118g
    Notes: I think I am hitting my groove. The diet has because easy, second nature almost. I had a hard time working out today, but I like the fact that I workout hard one day and take it easy the next.

    Cabot Lowfat Greek Yogurt
    1 servings of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast)
    Lean Cuisine Pepperoni pizza
    Curly's BBQ Pulled Chicken
    1 serving Oscar Mayer Honey Smoked Turkey Breast
    1 Slice Publix Smoke flavored Provolone
    Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Jello Sugar Free Dulce De Leche
    2 hour walk around UF in the summer heat
    8 minute Abs
    8 minute Arms

    Day 27 Totals:
    Calories - 1630
    Protein - 135g
    Fat - 49g
    Carbs - 174g
    Notes: For some reason I felt a little down today. I don't know what it was though. Maybe my hormones were a bit out of whack. I think I was kind of upset because I wanted to go out at night and drink some beers and hang out but no one else I knew wanted to go. So I stayed home by myself and just felt lonely.

    1 servings of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    1 cup 1% Milk
    3 slices of Pizza
    1/3 of a calzone
    2 Coors Lights
    Burpees - 80
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 80
    Squats - 110
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    8 minute Abs
    8 minute Arms

    Day 28 Totals:
    Calories - ???
    Protein - ???g
    Fat - ???g
    Carbs - ???g
    Notes: I did an extra 10 burpees and regular push ups today. I can't believe how much I have progressed from when I first started doing burpees. At first I felt like I was dying after I would do a set of 10. Now I push myself to jump my legs further back each rep and don't feel winded until I have completed like 5 or 6 sets of 10. It's cool seeing improvement like that. I am coming up on a month of doing this program and am pretty excited. I have been eating right and losing weight the proper way. I am losing fat and not muscle. I feel stronger each day. I feel better about the way I look. I am going to try to put pictures of before and after up so everyone else can SEE my results. Thanks for everything guys! My parents were in town so I went to the really good pizza place with them. I usually have 1 cheat day a week.
  37. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    MINI Update 3.5
    Total Weight Loss: 6 pounds
    Weight Lost since Monday's weigh-in: 2 pounds
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 210
  38. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Good job man. Keep up the hard and stay dedicated.
    UCF FINatic likes this.
  39. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    Update 4
    Total Weight Loss: 7.5 pounds
    Weight Lost in Week 4: 3.5 pounds
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 208.5

    Week 4 Totals:
    Calories: 8,087 (5 days only)
    Protein: 688g (5 days only)
    Fat: 280g (5 days only)
    Carbs: 776g (5 days only)

    Week 4 Daily Averages:
    Calories: 1617.4 (5 days only)
    Protein: 137.6g (5 days only)
    Fat: 56g (5 days only)
    Carbs: 155.2g (5 days only)

    Week 4 Exercise Totals:
    Miles Bicycling: 2.4 miles
    Time Spent Walking around Campus: 4 hours
    Jumping Jacks: 2,400
    Push Ups: 290
    Push Ups on Knees: 440
    Burpees: 290
    Squats: 440
    Abs Workouts: 56 minutes
    Arms Workouts: 56 minutes

    I lost 3.5 pounds this week!!!! I am freaking proud as hell! I don't really know how that is possible considering I went to town on that pizza and calzone yesterday. Oh well, I am not complaining. I think I am finally hitting my groove. I am loving the new hard workout one day and easier workout the next day, I think it is helping me get the most out of my workouts and feeling great at the same time. Eating a low calorie, high protein diet has become a life-style change although I do normally have a cheat day on Saturdays. So for the first month on this diet and workout plan I have lost 7.5 pounds. So freaking great!! I may be setting a high goal here, but what the hell; I want to lose over 8.5 pounds this next month. I want to get below 200 pounds. I think I can do it!! Thanks again for the help everyone (especially Clark Kent and Padre) I couldn't do it without you!! ALSO I took a picture the day before I started my workout and plan on taking one tomorrow. If I can figure it out I will post the before and after pictures for everyone to see. :up:

    1 cup Milk
    1 serving of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl
    Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Burpees - 80
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 80
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    Squats - 110
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 29 Totals:
    Calories - 1115
    Protein - 94g
    Fat - 38g
    Carbs - 110g
    Notes: I restricted myself to a low calorie diet today because I most likely had more than my allotted calories yesterday. I plan on eating a lot of protein tomorrow to make up for my lack of protein today. Also I was "supposed" to have a light workout today, but I'd rather have a light workout tomorrow (that way I only have 2 hard workouts during the work week), so I just worked out hard today.

    2 cups Milk
    2 servings of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Mesquite Turkey Breast)
    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
    Publix Chicken Breast
    Franks Buffalo Wing Sauce
    Lite Italian
    1 Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    2 Jello Sugar Free Dulce De Leche
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 30 Totals:
    Calories - 1458
    Protein - 156g
    Fat - 51g
    Carbs - 104g
    Notes: I'm glad I did my hard workout the previous day because I had horrible insomnia last night and was tired all day. My muscles were sore from working out two days in a row. I went pudding crazy, but I had the calories so why not?!?

    1 cup Milk
    1 serving of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Sandwich (Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice Pepper Jack, 1 serving Oscar Mayer Mesquite Turkey Breast)
    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds
    Starkist Tuna Salad
    Chicken Breast
    Lean Cuisine Chicken Club Panini
    Lite Italian Dressing
    Kozy Shack Tapioca
    Jello 60 Calorie Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Burpees - 80
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 80
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    Squats - 110
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 31 Totals:
    Calories - 1633
    Protein - 159g
    Fat - 52g
    Carbs - 143g
    Notes: I had a pretty crappy day at work and didn't want to workout, but I pushed through it and got it done.

    Panera Cinnamon Scone thing
    Panera Cherry Pastry
    2 Slices of Pizza
    1 serving of Body Fortress Chocolate Protein Shake
    Chicken Breast
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 32 Totals:
    Calories - 1868
    Protein - 113g
    Fat - 73g
    Carbs - 200g
    Notes: Freaking work lunches and breakfasts!!! These things are deadly to my diet... Oh well, life goes on I suppose. I feel so nauseous and bad now though. I think the cherry pastry messed with my stomach.

    2 Slices of Smoke flavored Provolone Cheese
    Oscar Mayer Mesquite Smoked Turkey
    Hormel Completes Roast Beef and Gravy with Mashed Potatoes
    Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl
    Tapioca Pudding
    Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    Burpees - 80
    Jumping Jacks - 600
    Push Ups - 80
    Push Ups on Knees - 110
    Squats - 110
    8 Minute Arms
    8 Minute Arms

    Day 33 Totals:
    Calories - 1435
    Protein - 102g
    Fat - 53g
    Carbs - 143g
    Notes: Didn't hit my protein goals, but I wanted to really limit my calories after going way over yesterday.
  40. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I'd expected that to happen UCF, in fact I was a bit surprised you had not had that reduction as of yet.

    One of the keys for you will be is to keep in mind your body wants to keep that weight so expect to be ravenous for a couple of days..especially late at night, if you can maintain then you will keep the weight loss.

    Let me add, you are better off reaching for a high protein snack rather then something with a high amount of sugar.

    Think of stored fat as being a tank of sugar based energy, when your sugar level drops your body uses the fuel in the fat tank, when you add more sugar into your system instead of protein your body does not have to drain the tank to create energy.

    This is one of the reasons why if I have some booze, I eat almonds or sunflower kernels instead of stuff like chips and doritos and what have you.

    Dropped back down below 200 recently basically by doing that and biking an insane amount everyday, each day.
    UCF FINatic likes this.

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