1. ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Here's the deal. In my Clemson league I'm in a 5-way tie for the final 2 playoff spots. It's a 14 team league so everyone plays each other once.

    head-to-head records looks like this:
    4-0 [me]

    I'm gonna miss out on the playoffs b/c two of those 1-3 teams scored a couple more points for the season than myself. How do you go 4-0 in head to head and NOT make the playoffs?! SMH. Anyone else experience this kind of FF playoff frustration?
  2. Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Well, total points is a very common tiebreaker. Its how I do the league that I run. I'm sorry you may miss out.

    In my 8-team league, we have four teams at either 5 or 6 wins fighting for one playoff spot, and it could happen that we have a four way tie broken by points scored as well. I safely clinched first place two weeks ago, thankfully. We have one poor guy who's 1-12 even though he's the 4th highest scoring team in the league, because his opponents blow up every week against him.
    ToddPhin likes this.
  3. Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    Yup, pts are the tiebreaker for our league as well. Much like your 1-12 guy, I am 8th (5-8) with the 2nd highest score against in the whole league by a good margin (lost my game this week to decide the playoffs 171 to 163). The guy in 2nd is the highest scorer in the league, but the most pts for, and I hope he wins it all. The guy in 1st has the 2nd most pts for, but also by far the fewest pts against. Only two players have less than 1800 pts against, and he has 1644 against; ridiculous when I'm at 1948 (only two players w/more than 1900 pts against).
  4. byroan Giggity Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    NFL.com says H2H is the first tiebreaker and then points. I'm the highest scoring team and beat the team that I'm tied with. Yet, I didn't get a bye week and he did.
  5. GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Well then... #HatersGonnaHate
  6. Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    Haha. I want you to win as well, but I think he's got better odds and so... #Frontrunner
  7. Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Yeah, I've gotten very lucky myself this year. I'm this 3rd highest scoring team, but I'm closer to the 7th place team than I am the 1st. My opponents have just scored far fewer points against me than anyone else in the league. I average 66 points a game less against me than the guy whos 1-12. I also had my best game of the year, by far, against the league's highest scorer, who's in second place. Our league's second highest scorer may miss the playoffs due to bad luck too. Weird year. But fun because 7 of the 8 guys are still very alive for the playoffs (4 spots) with two weeks to go in the regular season.
  8. Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    I run a 12 team ESPN league and do everything I can to make at as close to the NFL as possible, h2h is the way to go for a tiebreaker imo....however in a multiway tie it normally goes to points.
    ToddPhin likes this.
  9. Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    By the way....highest scoring team in the league....misses playoffs.
  10. Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Last year in one of my pay leagues I was 2nd in points scored but 1st in points against. Finished 11th in a 12 team league including 5 losses by 5 points or less. That's just the way fantasy happens sometimes. The most important thing to remember with FF is that you have a limited amount of control over the outcome. The team I mentioned above was a stud team...had a top 5 player at every position including K and D...just couldn't catch a break.

    Hopefully things work out for ya Todd.
    Fin-O and ToddPhin like this.

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