  1. anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Yep so a couple of days ago my wisdom tooth that has been inching its way out of my gums exploded in pain. I don't know where it ranks on the scale of 1-10 of pain, 10 being high but I can tell you this is the worst pain I've ever felt in my mouth.

    I showed it to my dad he said it looks decayed. he's had his out for a while now..

    my issue is

    A) i'm a panzy when it comes to going to doctors, dentists and any other person who deals with sticking sharp pointy objects in any part of my body. i can't tolerate that kind of pain (shots, etc) to the point where i avoid going unless it's absolutely necessary; which I think this is. what's it like? just go under like surgery (i know they can just give you a local, but **** that).

    B) I have no dental plan (or medicare plan) as I am out of work. $$$ is a big deal for everyone around here. my dad says he'd pay for me; but it's not like he's got the $ to be throwing around either.

    TL;DR. Wisdom tooth hurts. What's it like to get it taken out and how much does it cost?
  2. cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    I could fill this page with personal dental horror stories.. the sooner you do it, the sooner the pain abates brother.. just get it done and start the healing.
  3. HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    I waited way too long to get my wisdom teeth out. Every few months or so, my mouth would writhe in pain, then fade away after a day or so. Eventually, I knew I needed those baby's out.

    I would purchase Dental Insurance if not only for this procedure as it can be pretty expensive.

    As for the recovery, it's probably going to suck for a few days. My suggestion would be to get all the wisdom teeth out at once. After the procedure, you'll get some Vicodin or other pain killers prescribed so you'll be numb most of the time.

    It sucks, but far less than not getting it taken care of.
    texanphinatic and anlgp like this.
  4. GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    You can get knocked out... out stay awake. I chose (actually my parents chose) for me to stay awake.

    Builds character... maybe not but they made me stay awake. They gave me a shot so I didn't really feel anything. It didn't really hurt much... They gave me some Vicodin afterward, like a weeks worth, so that was nice. Having a mouthful of gauze for a day or two sucked... I really only ate ice cream, jello, and crap like that for like 3 days... Laid around and watched TV all day...

    I'd suggest going before it gets even worse... It's really not that bad...
    anlgp likes this.
  5. dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Let them knock you out. It's easier and not so scary.
    I had 12 out at one time. They gave me something so I never remembered what they did and I loved it.
    I'm very lucky, I've never had any pain or problems after an extraction.
    anlgp likes this.
  6. anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Thanks guys and gal.

    I know these things need to come out and i'm nervous of the procedure but more nervous of having the cost hang above my/our heads as there's no way to really afford this. I looked into prices for it and this site online said 1-300 if it's coming thru the gums.. which it is. now i don't know if the price is accurate or not but that's not soooo bad.
  7. Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    i have all four of mine, and dont have any issues...but if ur in pain, just take out the one thats bothering you.
    anlgp likes this.
  8. pennphinfan Stelin Canez Arcade Scorz

    Dec 13, 2007
    Los Angeles
    i've been waiting ~4-5 years to get my wisdom teeth out. the pressure has been getting real bad lately, but I'm soon to get a job (i hope) that will get me dental insurance so hopefully i can get them out then. but yea, I would say don't wait bro, get em out asap
    dolphindebby and anlgp like this.
  9. Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Katy, TX
    They put me out. They told me to tell them when I started to get sleepy, I said ok, next thing I knew I was in a room I had never been to before confused (obviously) and puking out a lot of blood.

    Needless to say my wisdom teeth were pretty entrenched and impacting, so the had to dig deep to get them out. The day of the surgery and two days following were some of the worst days I have had (pain-wise). I couldn't even handle solid food until at least a week later, lol.

    It sucked, but it needed to be done.
  10. anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    holy ****.
  11. dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Ouch stitches. :sad:
  12. Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    I am not sure on the cost brother. I had my four taken in out in the Marine Corps in 45 minutes. It was a little tender after wards with some stitches, but I didn't have to go back in to have more taken out. Milk shakes will be your best friend. You will need to put a towel down on your pillow as well. I had horror stories about the dentist growing up in New York when I was little.
    TokyoFishFan, texanphinatic and anlgp like this.
  13. Brown42000 Chillin

    Nov 24, 2007
    I remember when my cousin had his removed he was spitting out blood as well. I'm hoping I will not have to get mine out as the stories I've heard make it sound awful. A relative of mine who is 42 never had problems with his and didn't need to get them removed I'm hoping for that good fortune lol.
  14. Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I had mine out about 5 years ago and honestly I didn't feel a thing nor was I in much pain at all afterwards. They knocked me out for the operation so I didn't see or hear anything. When I woke up I was drooling blood a lot, it kept going probably for the whole rest of the day, I had to put tea bags in my mouth to stop the bleeding as much as possible and for some reason I had a really bad head ache but besides from my jaw being sore I was fine. I think after Day 2 I was eating regular food, granted I had to cut the food very small and chew slowly but still. I've heard so many horror stories about the wisdom teeth but I really didn't have a bad experience.

    My advice is go to the denist and if he says get them out, get them out. You'll feel pain for a day or 2 that's all. Better than pain for the rest of your life.
  15. opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    Do it fast Steve. I had one get infected a few years ago, my face swelled up like the kid from Mask. As soon as it went down I got all four wisdom teeth extracted under a local anesthesia (I had to drive) and it didn't hurt a bit. It felt weird as hell, but the pain wasn't there. Until later. But there was Vicuprofin for that. Honestly though, regular Tylenol was fine after the first day, and I was able to use most of the Vic's for recreational purposes instead of pain relief.
    anlgp and HardKoreXXX like this.
  16. Ducken Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Lower Delaware
    I had all 4 taken out at the same time, and I was pretty much out of it when they did it. I was one of the lucky one's and did not have a great deal of pain or complications after. I had mine done down in Sailsbury out by the hospital, forget the name but if you need it I can look it up, or I am sure your dentist knows all the places that does that type of dental work in the area.
    anlgp likes this.
  17. HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    Gott love those 30 Day prescriptions. I slept like a King.
    opfinistic likes this.
  18. pocoloco I'm your huckleberry Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    North Chicagoland
    there's nothing to it. No pain, just some pressure when they yank it. I didn't have any pain killers afterward
    anlgp likes this.
  19. byroan Giggity Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    :lol: I was told that over 3 years ago and never had it taken care of. I'm going to the dentist in July, I'm sure I'm going to have to get it done soon.
    anlgp likes this.
  20. byroan Giggity Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Not really. I haven't had any pain. I think they're coming in at an angle so it's not as easy as just pulling them out, probably going to be cutting involved. It's going to suck.
    anlgp likes this.
  21. femalefinfan Phillies fan Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Mines were extracted, then they grew back. Yes you heard me grew back. My father had his pulled and they grew back, pulled again, grew back, this happened to him 4 times. Lets just say that we are genetic freaks. That being said, if you want a real quick temp fix, gargle with salt water. It will help, but it won't last long and you should probably see a dentist.
    anlgp likes this.
  22. texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    I got mine taken out several years ago in high school and have never looked back. Basically, I had 4 wisdom teeth, and not enough room in my mouth for them. As they were coming in anyway, they needed to get taken out or they would have ****ed up my other teeth alignment.
    I went an actual oral surgeon for it. More expensive, but they are a step above most dentists imo. I did not get knocked out. They used heavy local anasthetic and had a sedative IV drip in my arm. I still slept through most of it. The next 2 days I was hopped up on the heavy painkillers, valluim or vicoden or something of that nature and dont remember much. Helps to have family around to check on you and help you out though.
    Days 3-4 were the worst for me, when I had graduate from the heavy PKs to standard advil.

    *edit* I recommend researching several dentists/surgeons around via the internet for unbiased reviews if you havent.

    My wife on the other hand got hers taken out about a year ago and it sucked hard for her. But I think the dentist that did it was crap. I would highly recommend either getting knocked out, or going to a dentist/oral surgeon who uses the IV drip sedative. Make sure they will give you the good meds too for the first few days-some are sticklers and wont prescribe them.
    anlgp likes this.
  23. texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Oh and also, stay away from straws, anything of that nature that requires sucking is bad and can give dry sockets.

    Milkshakes (strawless), pudding, soft ice cream, broth will be your diet for awhile. ;)
    TokyoFishFan, Ducken and anlgp like this.
  24. anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    I love all this milkshake talk :D
  25. Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I just found out recently that mine could go either way. Basically my dentist told me that if they don't ever start bothering me then I don't have to get them removed. Obviously I'm hoping they don't start bothering me.

    From what I've heard from friends, family, etc., it's a little pain for a few days but after you get through that you'll be golden.
    anlgp likes this.
  26. texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Well considering you just had at least 1 tooth ripped out of your mouth, solid foods arent something youll be craving. :lol: Chocolate pudding was my big thing for awhile. Liquids or soft like ice cream is the diet for a few days.

    IMO, if you are in a good place right now, I would likely go for it. Most wisdom teeth eventually cause issues at some point it seems. So if youve got a solid insurance, or a dentist you really like, it might be worth going for it anyway. Ive known 2 people who decided to "go it" with the wisdom teeth-my dad and my wife, and both started causing issues and needed to get removed.

    I think the fear of it is far worse than the actual for most people. Thats not to say it was pleasant, but it wasnt horrible. Just make sure you take case of yourself after so there are no aftereffects or complications like dry sockets. I can appreciate the financial aspect though Gap, dental proceedures generally arent cheap.:sad:

    Oh, smoking after tooth removal=bad incase any of you are. :lol:
    anlgp likes this.
  27. TokyoFishFan New Member

    Dec 11, 2007


    I had mine out a long time ago. It wasn't all that bad. Of course, the thing you're missing is the cost. Mine were free (which doesn't help you), but in my brief internet search I see numbers that claim between $150 to $350 per tooth.

    But, then I see a second set of numbers that say for a set of 4, it's costing folks between $2000 and $2500 with insurance covering about half.



    So..shop around, but get it taken care of!

    Good luck!
    anlgp likes this.
  28. Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    Had all four of mine done at the same time. Now this will tell you a bit about me; I left the hospital early, didn't wait for the nurse to say alright (one thing about being in a hospital as much as I was growing up is you know when you're fine), took the stuffing out a bit later. That night I went out and had a drink........not a beer, but a whiskey drink, I didn't get drunk but had one or two to help sterilize the whole area. :lol:

    Never had any problems since. I did have to pick food out of one of the holes more than once, which was fun. All in all, for me it wasn't that big a deal.
    anlgp likes this.

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